Kyouka X Kenji

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At the agency

Kenji walk to Kyouka
"Hi Kyouka can you help me with my farm a little bit I got new animal"
Kyouka always was happy when Kenji ask her for help at his farm
"Okay and what the new animal" Kyouka ask

"You're favourite bunny's"Kenji say with big smile
Kyouka's eyes become stars and sparkles "I wanna see them" she said "then let's go"

One hour ago
Kenji walk to Dazai's desk
"Hello Mr Dazai can you help me with something" Kenji ask with not the smile he have always he look bit sad
"What's wrong Kenji of course I will help you"

"So I like Kyouka long before but I don't know how I suppose to tell her"

"So Kyouka's favourite animal is bunny so what if you add bunny's to you're farm and then try to talk to her"

"Thanks Mr Dazai "

To the present
Kyouka and Kenji standing on the agency farm
They walking to the cages where are the bunnies.

Kyouka look at them all with sparkles in her eyes

"You can take cere of them with me if you want"

"Thank you so much Kenji you are the best" Kyouka say with big smile and walk to Kenji they were in front of eachother Kyouka wrap her arms around Kenji and pulled him into a hug.

Kyouka didn't see that Kenji is even more happy than normally and blushing.

Kenji is happy
Kyouka is happy
But one thing

Kenji broke hug and make eyes contact with Kyouka
"I want tell you something I.. I like you Kyouka"



A tear fell from Kyouka's eyes "I like you too Kenji" she hug Kenji
"So that mean can you be my girlfriend kyouka" Kanji said
"Yes I will"

At somewhere
"My poor little kyouka what did you doo" Kouyou start crying

"Do you wanna tissue"

"No  Mika I just wanna Kyouka back and protect her but can I you adopt you" Kouyou said mental breakdown
"No sorry I have already two dad's and ones sister that's enough"

Kouyou have bigger breakdown

The end 😔

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