Mischievous Max

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One dull, dreadful, horrible, wet day the hallways of QLSH (QuaKKa LaKKa Senior High School) was filled with hundreds of half asleep teenagers. Everyone was board to death and they looked like 'Death warmed up'. They could not wait for the clock to strike 3:23. Well everyone except for three students. The first was Max. Max was a mischievous one, always making pranks, setting traps and tripping people over. The next two were the Illian twins, Lillian and Millian. Lillian and Millian were nice, friendly, happy and helpful girls. They would help whoever, whenever and however. Whether it be a cat stuck in a tree of an elderly person, if you needed help they would be there.

Millian and Lillian were on their way home when suddenly out of the corner of Lillian's eye she saw Millian trip over a small piece of rope line. Millian fell over and hit her head on the locker and just when you though that it could not get any worse, out of the locker came slime. In that slime there was spaghetti and in that spaghetti there were all sorts of creepy crawlies. From snakes, to spiders to scorpions and worms and snails and everything in between. Out of the locker came a recorded voice message from Max and it said "Hahaha sucker! You have been pranked by the most awesomest person of awesome people, Max or you may know me by my alias Mischievous Max. Hahahahaha. PS This prank was for Millian Illian. PPS If you don't know me as Mischievous Max, start calling me by that name. PPPS HAHAHAHAHHA Millian Illian!!!!"

As soon as that message finished Millian hopped up, got out of that gunk and yelled out in the loudest voice ever "I AM GOING TO TELL ON YOU MISCHIEVOUS MAX!!!" She ran out the door, Lillian following and ran home.

Ten minutes later Millian arrived home, slammed the door and found her parents. "Ma, Pa I need to talk to you..." Before Millian finished talking to Billian and Hillian (her parents) "Oh my! What happened dear? You are a mess, clean yourself up and then  tell us sweety." said Hillian and Billian at the same time. Half an hour later Lillian entered the room with photographic evidence of what had occurred earlier that day in her right hand. She held in her left hand a copy of Max's recorded message. "Ma, Pa I'm home!" "We are in the lounge room Lil." replied Hillian and Billian at the same time.

So altogether the Illians sat down in their lounge room and discussed the tragic event. "I never liked that Max kid any way." said Hillian. "Well thats mean, you should like everyone so that we can live in perfect harmony" snapped Billian. "Well I just do not understand why someone would do such a thing. Shall we call Mr Penkerpopintin (Pen-ker-pop-in-tin)?" Suggested Hillian. "Oui can you please do that and ask Mr Penkerpopintin if he can expel Max?" said Millian, "We will do" said Billian.

The next day whilst walking to school, Millian and Lillian saw a lot of atrocious vandalism. When they walked past the Mayor Riechenburden's house they saw that his car's windows were smashed and there was graffiti on the doors. The graffiti said "This was done by Mischievous Max Mischett." The girls horrified by what they saw, ran to Mayor Riechenburden to tell on Max.

Mayor Riechenburden was distraught. He was a complete mess and called the federal agents (also know as the Trouble-Stopppers.)The Trouble-Stoppers arrived shortly after with their theme song blearing from the car stereo (Who you gotta call? Trouble-Stoppers!!!) The Illian twins cheer "Yay the Trouble-Stoppers are here!" The Trouble-Stoppers investigated and said "Hmmm, it appears to us that this was done by Max Mischett. We will find him and send him to Slaughter Road."

Three weeks later, the Trouble-Stoppers had found Max, whom was hiding with his invention the McCamouflage (Camouflage for McDonalds) and they reported to the local paper. The next day the QuaKKa LaKKa Weekender's front cover read "Max Mischett has been sent to Slaughter Road, where he will be punished for his crimes committed. He will have to complete a 500 000 word essay on the place of pranks in QuaKKa LaKKa society. He will also have to remove all of the pips from the watermelon that the people of QuaKKa LaKKa wish to eat." "Yes we can now live in peace. Free from pranks and being tripped over!" rejoiced Millian.

The town of QuaKKa LaKKa lived happily ever after!

That is until Max completed his essay and removed the pips!

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