Shohei Picked her up

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December 3rd 2023
Orange County

Before departing to arrive to

LAX her family sent her a message that shohei ohtani will be picking her up from the airport he already spoke with them and now wants to speak with me.

Aníbal coming to Wedendsy evening so she's gonna spend with shohei

Shohei: 野球が再開される前に休んだほうがいいですか?
you should be resting before baseball starts again?


December 16 will be my final soccer match then break time.

Shohei and Carolina went to go food and snacks!

People recognized shohei at the store

Japanese elderly

Lady: ああ、なんてことだ、私たちはあなたを愛しています
oh my god we love you.

Lady: あなたが女の子と一緒に公の場で外出しているのを初めて見たとき、それが他の誰でもなくキャロライナでよかったです

The first time I saw you out in public with a girl, I'm glad it was Carolina and not anyone else.

Carolina: ショーヘイは私たちと一緒にいたいと思っているでしょう

Lady: 日本語を流暢に話し、彼女は象徴的な外国人はいないということを忘れないでください。私はあなたたち二人を承認します

Remember that she speaks Japanese fluently and is not an iconic foreigner. I approve of you both

Had a lovely dinner then they both got comfortable after they separately showered

Shohei: NFL選手はどうなったの?

What happened to NFL players?

Carolina: 私たちの関係は本来あるべきものではなかったので、私は彼と別れました。
with him because our relationship wasn't what it was supposed to be.

Carolina: それで誰と契約してるの?So who are you contracting with?

Shohei: すぐに言いますが、大事なことを言わなければなりません
I'll say it right away, but I have to say something important.

Carolina: tell me

Shohei: - he pointed for her to sit on his lap facing him

Thank you for allowing me to part of your family and I know your life has not been easy process this year it broke me to hear that players, coaches from MLB have harassed you among the years but when that rule was lifted it got worse and feared for your life

Is soccer the same way

Carolina: no

Shohei: when your crown in Sweden in January you will no longer be able to do certain things right

Carolina: i will be able to do stuff that's the good part and your coming with us to

Shohei: be my date for next month award ceremony remember you won as well

Carolina: really?? Shohei what are you trying to tell me

Shohei: I will tell you soon 🔜

Carolina: leave me hanging
- she put her hands on his face to see if he'll give in

Shohei: - leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek

Carolina: is that why?

Shohei: just wait

Carolina: she leaned in to hug him

He placed his chin on her head ♥

Shohei: you promise me you will

Carolina wasn't sure with his words sadly.

That night she sent israel Reyes Mexico player a little flirt video just for fun


Israel Reyes opened it blushing he got

Israel does not know that she's the one singing the song he thinks she'd lip syncing the song.

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