Chapter 2

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[A Field-trip to Diagon Alley]

Snape's firm hand remained against Theodore's back as they traversed the halls of Hogwarts. Several weeks had passed since Theodore's arrival in this new world. Dumbledore, in his sorting hat decision, placed Theodore into Gryffindor, much to Snape's evident dismay, muttering a soft, 'of course' under his breath.

In these few weeks, Theodore delved into the study of spells, finding it far more captivating than regular schooling. He had mastered all the spells taught in first and second years, with only third-year spells remaining to conquer. However, Theodore faced challenges in potions class. While he could brew potions without causing explosions, Snape often rated his work as merely satisfactory, a critique Theodore begrudgingly accepted.

Regarding flying on a broom, Theodore excelled, with McGonagall suggesting he could be a skilled seeker. Yet, after learning the rigors of Quidditch and the possibility of broken limbs, Theodore opted against pursuing the sport further. Herbology intrigued him, although he occasionally overlooked caring for the plants, much to the disappointment of his professors.

However, Theodore's favorite subject remained Defense Against the Dark Arts, a class where Snape seemed to find some level of enjoyment, although his usual straight face and irritable tone made it hard to discern. Despite Snape's demeanor, Theodore relished this subject, feeling an inexplicable fascination with the course material and its practical applications.

"Sir, where are we going?" Theodore inquired, a hint of curiosity in his voice, as Snape guided him into the Gryffindor common room.

"We're headed to Diagon Alley to gather all our school supplies. The first term is just around the corner, a mere two weeks away," Snape announced in his characteristic stern tone. With a swift and purposeful motion, he reached for a diminutive pot perched atop the fireplace, containing an enigmatic powder of some sort.

Theodore's playful banter echoed against the stone walls of the Gryffindor common room, his grin widening as he teased Snape amidst the anticipation of their imminent departure.

"Why are we in the Gryffindor common room?" Theodore inquired, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"We're utilizing the floo network," Snape retorted, his tone laced with a hint of impatience, as he guided Theodore to position himself within the fireplace.

"Ah, so this isn't some elaborate scheme to turn me into a human torch?" Theodore quipped, a chuckle punctuating his jest. Snape's stoic expression remained unwavering, disappointment flickering in his eyes at the jests that seemed to constantly follow every conversation.

"Take a handful of floo powder," Snape instructed curtly, ignoring Theodore's jests, "and enunciate 'Diagon Alley' clearly before casting the powder to the ground."

Despite Snape's seriousness, Theodore couldn't help but maintain a lighthearted demeanor, finding amusement in pushing the boundaries of Snape's patience. With a playful grin, he complied, scooping up the fine, glittering powder in his palm.

"Diagon Alley," Theodore enunciated with mock solemnity, his voice ringing clear in the room, before tossing the floo powder at his feet. A burst of emerald flames erupted from the hearth, engulfing Theodore in a whirlwind of warmth and vibrant hues.

Snape remained composed, allowing a brief pause before stepping into the now-diminished flames of the fireplace. His dark eyes swept over the chamber, confirming Theodore's successful departure before he took his own turn.

With measured precision, Snape gripped a handful of floo powder, his movements deliberate as he positioned himself within the confines of the fireplace. Casting a last glance around the room, he uttered with precision, "Diagon Alley."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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