Chapter 2 - Someone Familiar, Yet Different

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Leaving the void they had spent months in behind, Rusty walked through the portal behind their rescuer. As they reached the other side, they stared in marvel at what seemed to be an endless area of space. Floating islands all of the place, with the occasional glowing white sphere.

"Welcome to the multiverse." Riley said, walking up beside Rusty. "What do you think?"

"Yeah, it's amazing..." Rusty began to say, before turning to Riley. "Hang on, you're Riley, correct?"

"I am a Riley."

"The why the hell did you toss me away into the void if you were just going to get me out of there months later. I'm a hundred and twenty percent sure that you wouldn't have thought about letting me out."

"First off, it has been a year, time passes faster in the void. Secondly, do I look like your Riley? Did he have tentacles growing out of his back? If he did, you would've seen them."

"So you're Riley, but not my one. Why are you even helping me anyways. Shouldn't you be a good guy."

"How dumb are you. Don't you know that there are infinite possibilities in the multiverse? Of course there's going to be at least one Evil version of Riley. And that's who I am. I'm called Evil Riley cause I'm considered the most evilest out of all of them."

"But that doesn't answer why you're helping me anyways?"

"I want to help you, create a world where you're wanted. Back there, no one loved you. Never cared about you."

"Crystal did. She looked after me when I still lived with my parents."

"Crystal didn't love you. She never did. She faked it. Why do you think she disappeared without telling you? No one wants you around in that world. So I'm going to help make one for you. Give you new powers and tear their's apart in the process. How does that sound."

"Why are you so interested in helping me. What's your motives?"

"I, too, have no one who loves me. I was casted aside by my own friends. I thought I could trust them, rely on them, and now I'm this monster. But we're not focusing on my backstory. We're focusing on creating your new home. You in, or would you rather be in the void for all eternity? Cause if you're not joining me, I'll out you back there."

Rusty thought for a moment. On one hand, they could be free from the void and have a new home. But could they really trust Evil? Was he who he said he was. What were his actual intentions.

"Tick tock, what's the decision?"

"I'm in. If I can get away from the void and get revenge, then I'm sold."

"You made the right choice. Now, follow me."

Evil Riley hopped onto one of the floating islands, signalling Rusty to follow. The two jumped from island to island, moving deeper into the multiverse space. Rusty looked at the many spheres of the worlds as they passed, looking into the worlds. They saw many versions of the people they had met, well killed, but all different like edgy, emo or kinda scary. There was no time to dwell on the marvels of the multiverse, as they had to keep up with Evil.

Another sphere came into view in the distant, but this one was different from the rest. It looked as if it was still under construction and camouflaged in with the background, as if it didn't want  to be found. Evil Riley stopped just before the sphere, with Rusty landing next to him.

"Here's your new home." He said, jumping through a gap in the sphere.

Rusty followed behind and was greeted my almost complete nothingness. All there was a few people and what seemed to castle being constructed.

Future Defenders - Book 2 - Call of the MultiverseWhere stories live. Discover now