chapter 1

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I cried into my pillow and screamed"why me why not my friends" as my best friend sara was having an angry phone call with ashton and she told him that if she got to see those four boys again she would kill them all. As she came off the phone she said " oh poor girl michaela are you ok" I replied " do I look like I'm bloody well ok" she just walked off and came back with some dinner for me which I hardly touched so really it was just a cold plate of food sitting on the counter like everything else I refused to eat. Being pregnant was not the nicest thing in the world and the worst part was it could be anyone's baby I mean they all made me drunk and I don't remember anything after that. Later on in the day the door bell went and since sara fell asleep on my couch watching tv I guess I had to get it and to my suprise calum was standing there looking very shocked at my stomach and he started tearing up which made me think he did this to me but I'll never be sure unless I ask so I came right out with it "calum did you do this horrible thing to me" and he replied "of course not we're to good of friends to do that and plus shouldn't you know" and I told him how whoever did this put something in my drink and he said he was gonna tell the boys off for me and we said goodbye because he now knew that sara wanted to kill him and the others and after that conversation I thought well one down three to choose from and then I'll know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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