Meeting him...

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It all started in January of 2015 , I had just moved into my new house in a new town where I knew no one.I had recently gotten Instagram i'd say some time late December 2014, so i was messing around with it and bare in mind i'd tried this a million times but it never worked for me and then i just decided to make a fan account i called it @nouissgirl91 and i started to post these picture of one direction and i got quite a following quite quickly and days passed by and i was loving it and i came across an account called @onedirectlalatjj  it was another fan account. 

It was that same day i was asking a few users for shout outs so i could get more followers so i followed the account and liked a few photos and then i direct messaged the person.....'Hi :)' the person sent back 'hello :)' and i asked if i could have a shout out and the kind person said yes and i was happy for a first time in a long time they posted a post taking a screenshot of the account and saying follow this account.

After liking it a said thank you and they were like no problem and so we started talking i remember that night as if it was yesterday and we talked for hours and played twenty question which turned in to 50 maybe and i found out his name was Harry , at first i didn't believe him but it actually was. It was my first late night and i found out he lives in Australia and I in New Zealand and the more words he and i typed i realized i was crushing for a guy i had met hours before. I was falling in love with him....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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