The wishing Willow

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The willow tree hidden behind Corey's high school in Salem grants wishes to whoever the witch who has enchanted it deems worthy of having their wish granted,just grab a branch with your left hand and say your wish aloud for the witch to hear. Then,if she decides that you're worthy: the tree will grant your heart's deepest desire! Even if it wasn't  your real wish!

Evie clicked out of the tourists  article and sighed. She knew that the wishing willow tree was just an old wives tale that was mostly only talked about by tour guides trying to market their small town to tourists,but dammit if Evie couldn't be optimistic just this once; even if it meant going to make a wish at the creepy old tree at the bottom of the school's mucky,old football field that was more like an overgrown swamp than anything else. If it meant that she could finally date Jakson-she'd do it!

She glanced over to the ticking clock behind her at the back of the computer room. The pit in her stomach tripled  as time ticked by, second by second,minute by minute until finally the bell rang. Ring! Ring! She quickly yanked her bag up from the ground beside her and rushed out the door in hopes of reaching the fabled 'wishing willow tree' unseen by her classmates.

It didn't work.

'Hey Evie,where are you going?'

Evie groaned and turned to face her best friend Yasmine, Yasmine faced her with the same blank look that she always seemed to have: a kind smile and eyes that flickered with excitement and the feeling that she had no idea what was going on around her. 'I'm going down to the willow tree behind the school!' Evie hissed as her eyes darted around the halls to see if anyone had heard her.

Fortunately nobody paid the two girls any mind..

'The willow tree behind the school? OH! THE WISHING-' Evie loudly hushed her to stop her from finishing what she was saying. They got a good few stares after that but Evie didn't care.


'Sorry,sorry! It's just-why are you going down to the wishing willow?' Evie rolled her eyes because even her sister Reagan had figured that one out as soon as Evie had asked about it and she couldn't even spell door right! Evie turned on her heel and motioned for Yasmine to follow her, deciding that it was a better idea to have this potentially life-ruining conversation outside where nobody would hear them other than the trees and the odd crow.

'I want to make a wish!' She announced when they were far away enough from the school for her to be satisfied. 'But I'm not just going to make any old wish-' she hurried to say while Yasmine could only try her best to keep up with her friends' fast strides,running in skirts that reached your ankles was so hard. 'I'm going to wish for Jackson to fall in love with me and ask me to be his girlfriend instead of Brianna and then we'll be the best couple in the entire school and then we'll get married,adopt a cat and-' she finally reached the tree and hesitantly reached out to brush the curtain esque branches out of her way.

'Just...wait for me outside,okay?' Yasmine nodded,albeit hesitantly and Evie finally took the first step through the gap between the drooping leaves that she had made for herself. Taking a deep breath she looked up and grabbed the first branch she could grasp.

'Uhm...I guess I just say my  wish now,huh?' She looked around the tree, fully expecting something or someone to answer her question but the only sounds she could hear besides her own breathing was the water rushing over stones and lifting pebbles in the nearby stream and the wind rustling the heavy,leafy branches of the wishing willow tree itself.

'Okay then...' She pulled out the small,crumpled sheet of paper her sister had given her.

"Just read out whatever is on this sheet,then make your wish!' Evie rolled her eyes. 'That's not going to work on me Reagan-I'm not that stupid!' Her sister pressed the note firmly into her palm while maintaining eye contact with Evie. 'Just-trust me on this one! Okay Eves? This note is the reason me and Natasha are together right now!' Evie sighed and took the note. 'Fine, but if Jackson isn't on his knees begging for my undying love by Friday I'm gonna tell Dad!..."

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