The gay older sister (and her traumatising search history)

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"Break it into pieces hopefully!"

The cafeteria filled with gasps as Evie's head whipped around to see who had spoken up. Pushing her way to the front of the crowd was the strongest person in their whole school nevermind their grade: Dawn Zhu. It was rumoured that Dawn was involved with high school gangs and had been ever since last year when she beat up a high schooler for no reason.

Now she looked just as intimidating as ever: her tawny brown skin shone against her curly,black hair. Her umber eyes glared,sharp as ever to where Evie and Brianna were standing until she finally moved towards them. "How low are you willing to go for a bit of attention Sanderson?" Brianna growled and stood up straight with her arms crossed over her chest. The facade lasted for a total of two seconds because the second Dawn took another step forward she backed down,still glaring.

" Me looking for a bit of attention? You're one to talk!" She hissed, the pair circled around each other like cats ready to fight, fight over Evie...

"Shit..." She mumbled, of course the one time she trusted Reagan she ended up in a huge sticky mess.But before she could continue to cuss out her sister for the mess she was in at the minute she was being tugged away from the fight by her arm. The person dragged her all the way out of the cafeteria and Evie couldn't even say anything because she was so stunned. "Wow that was intense, are you alright Evie?" Evie looked up to see Yasmines worried eyes staring right back at her.

"We need to go find Reagan!" Evie blurted out. But Yasmine didn't let go of her arm as she stumbled to her feet in a feverous daze. "Reagan,your sister? Why and how-isn't she at school right now?" Evie raised an eyebrow. "Do you really think that Reagan goes to school?" Yasmine blinked and nodded her head in confusion. "Yas-it's Reagan, I don't think she even knows where her high school is!" Yasmine gaped at her like a fish for a few seconds before deciding it just wasn't worth it to question it so she simply nodded her head.

"Okay,better question! If she isn't at high school-where is she!?"

Evie thought for a minute before a lightbulb lit up in her head. She pulled out her phone and dragged Yasmine with her into the bathrooms. "She typed Reagan's number into her phone and listened as the number dialled until eventually her sister's hoarse voice assaulted her ears.

"This isn't Reagan-she's sleeping-so fuck off!"

Evie rolled her eyes as she put on the sweetest voice she could manage. "Regan's sleeping,huh-I better tell mom that she's not at school getting her full education then!" She could hear the sound of sheets rustling over the phone as Reagan adjusted herself on, what Evie assumed was her bed.

"Evie-you little shit-if you tell mom anything I'm going to tell your entire school about you going to make a wish at that stupid tree!"

"That's why I'm calling you-you asshole: the wish worked! But instead of Jackson and a bunch of other guys fighting over me it's his fucking girlfriend and that girl who's in that gang at your school!" The other end of the line went silent as Reagan struggled to process this but it wasn't long before she started cackling.

"You-YOU WHAT!? Jeez you are delusional-what did she glance at you for a second too long? Did she ask you for a pen? Aww!"

Evie groaned and held the phone away from her ear as Reagan began loudly cackling once again. "No dumbass! She broke up with Jackson and fucking kissed me-"


"Sorry Yas-that was the last time I promise!"

Reagan was quiet yet again this time the line went completely dead as she hung up. "That bi-rilliant sister of mine,heh heh..." She mumbled at Yamines stone cold glare. She loved her best friend but she could be terrifying sometimes.

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