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Hii!! This is my first ever smut one-shot so don't blame me if it's awful! anyways..enjoy!!!

                   Ava|| 19 ||Lesbian

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Ava|| 19 ||Lesbian

                   Ava|| 19 ||Lesbian

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Gracie||18 turning 19||Lesbian

Gracie's POV

I was in the school cafeteria literally doing anything but eating, and definitely not staring at the love of my life, Ava. Whose sitting right across me talking with our friends. She's my wife. She just doesn't know that yet.

I've liked Ava since the first day she walked into my calculus class. We had a couple of other classes together and was in the same friend group but just hadn't made an interaction with each other. Because I would always chicken out whenever I'm in
her presence.

I would either freeze on the spot or run for my life, because I was afraid that I would say something that would intimidate her.

I was so lost in my tracks that I didn't notice her talking to me.

"You good?" She asks with a concerned look in her face. "What?" I say. She lets out a chuckle knowing the effect she had on me.

"I said are you good?" She clarified.
"O-Oh yeah definitely! Wh-why wouldn't I be?" I stumble my way through my words.

"Well first of all you were staring at me like there's no tomorrow, Secondly you're stuttering like crazy. What's wrong?" She states with genuine care in her eyes. My cheeks going
bright pink.


The school bell suddenly ringing cutting off my words. "Well I have to go now, and I'm guessing you do too." She says as she grabs her bag and tossed it on her shoulder. "Meet me in the bathroom." She winks at me.

I watch as she leaves the cafeteria and follow close behind her. Our other friends scatter to their distinctive classes. Once we both were in the bathroom she then pinned me on the wall and started to passionately kiss my neck. "Wh- What are you doing?" I ask secretly liking the sensation.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this exact moment to come?" She says as she sucks harder onto my neck. Words not being able to escape my mouth. Giving her a whimper as she finds my sweet spot.

"Ava, pl- please" I plead with lust in my eyes. "Please what, detka?" she says with a smirk as she place a kiss on my lips. "Pl- please make me feel good!" I exclaim

A grin forming on her lips as she starts unzipping my pants. Before I could even say anything her long and slim finger enters inside me. Making my head tilt back and my eyes roll to the back of my head as I moan in pleasure.

"Fuck, baby you're so wet." She says
"Only for you" I say as she adds another finger into me forcing loud moans to come out my mouth. Her pace goes faster as she finds my g-spot. "Holy shit! Baby don't you fucking stop! Keep fucking me like that! OMG! RIGHT THERE! I'm gonna fucking cum! Don't fucking stop! OMG!!" I whine. "Holy shit detka you're gonna make mommy cum with just your words."

I release with her words. "Holy shit!" I say while attaching my lips onto hers smiling onto the kiss. Her fingers pulling out of me. "Open." She demands. "Wh- what?" I say confused "Open your mouth baby." I do as she says.


This is so short. 574 words. Not my favorite but it's definitely something..

Byeee!! I care about you!! Love lots🫶

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