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Hey there! So glad you're here! This is only one person POV (lemme know if you want the other POV) Enjoy my loves!💋



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Celeste||closeted bi||17

Madison||lesbian||17(pretend her eyes are blue)

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(pretend her eyes are blue)


~Celeste's POV~

Madison is your partner for a science project. You two were picked out to be partners entirely out of randomness. All you know about Madison was she was fun, outgoing and very social which is totally the opposite of you.

*Grinning playfully* "Hey, I'm Madison, your new project partner. You must be Celeste! We're going to have a blast!" She says. "We were partnered up to do this project together, not have fun." I say sternly. "Who says we can't work on this project and have fun?" She responds emphasizing the word 'and'.
"I suppose you're right." I breathed out. "I'm sorry for the bad first impression. I guess I'm just so caught up with my grades having to be perfect all the time that I never have time to actually have fun." I admit and she smiles.

For a moment I notice her lips as it curls up into a smirky smile, and in that moment I don't know what happened but I felt helpless and a weird feeling in my stomach started to form. Am I actually falling for this girl? Does she even like girls? I just met her and now I'm falling for her! I'm falling for her? OH MY GOD IM FALLING FOR HER! Just because of her stupid enticing smile and her eyes, oh her eyes, her deep bewitching blue eyes. I'm falling for her.

"Meet you after school?" She asks pulling me out of my tracks. "S-Sure yeah!" I say giving her a thumbs up.
"I'll be waiting for you after your class." She says. "Okay. I'll see you Madison." I respond in which she smiles.

~Time skip~

I am now sitting on fifth period which is the last period for today. Eager for the class to finish. I mean don't get me wrong I love Maths it's just that the topic that is being articulated is just so uninteresting and completely useless.

Before I knew it the bell rang and students began packing their things, also eager to leave this dreary nightmare of a class.

I also began putting away my belongings before leaving the room. As I step out, I am met by a familiar lulling girl who smiled as she saw me step out the room. Once I saw the glittering girl smiling at me my world stopped and it is as if it was just the two of us in it. It was like slow motion like those in those corny but good movies. I then was cut off my reverie "Hi! You ready to go?" she said with excitement. "I just have to grab a few things from my locker then we're ready to go!" I respond. "All right." She says as she follows me to my locker.

"Didn't know you were into Chappell Roan." She says pointing at the poster I had put up recently. "Oh yeah! She so cool! I love her music! You know her?" i retort. "Know her? I live for her!" she replies. "Favorite song on her latest album on three." "one.. two.. three.." "Red wine supernova!" we say in unison. "We are more in common than I thought." I say with a smile.

Our eyes locked. I stared onto her endless alluring orbs. I smirk when I noticed her quickly taking a glance at my lips. Right there and there I knew I got her. "Im ready to go now." I say. "Follow me to my car." she responds.
"Who's house do we go to?" I ask. "We could stay at mine." "My parents are out the country anyway so it's just me and my cat." she replied. "I guess that's settled." I chuckled and she nodded.

~Time skip~

We are now seated in her car. Madison on the drivers seat and me on the passengers.

Every now and then I catch her stealing glances at me, which is dangerous I might add, so when I caught her glancing at me again "Eyes on the road, hermosa." I say facing her.

She faces away feeling embarrassed as her cheeks were turning rose pink. "You're cute when you blush." I state with a proud smile on my face. "You're cute when you smile." she says looking at me her eyes filled with affection. Her ocean blue eyes staring at mine. A true genuine smile showing on both our lips. God I wish she would just look at me like that forever.

The moment was cut off by her taking her attention back to the road.

~Time skip~
(again lmao)

She parks the car in front of a 'tudor' type of mansion. "You've got a beautiful house." I state. "You haven't even seen the inside." she says getting out the car. I was about to open the door when she hurries to my side and opens the door for me. "Allow me." She says. "Such a gentlewoman." I reply giving her a thankful smile.

She leads me to the front door opening the door for me. I mumble a 'thank you' and walk in the mansion and holy shit was it beautiful. "Am I in heaven?" I say jokingly with my jaw dropped. She chuckles. "Make yourself at home." she states.

'You are my home.'

Okay, I got a little🤏 bit lazy with the ending. That's just cause I don't have ideas for it AND I'm on writers block.😭 I promise the next one will be better! That's all babes! Hope you enjoyed!💋

xoxo Ian!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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