Night 2

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Riley comes back for another night , Riley uses the keys to unlock the doors and goes inside , He makes his way to the office , the phone rings and Riley picks up , the guy says , "we found one a real one in fact we found two real ones" , Riley doesn't know how to feel , "don't worry they shouldn't be active" the guy says , Riley rolls his eyes , some how knowing that's a lie , Riley starts checking the cameras , then he sees one , Bonnie , he is missing his face and an arm , the rest of his body has withering , "what happened to you" Riley asked , He continues checking the cameras , and sees another one it's a green bunny it's withered as well , "that thing looks 30 years old" Riley said , he goes back to the camera where Bonnie is , he doesn't look as old as the springbonnie suit but Bonnie is a bit discolored , Riley continues checking the camera's and he goes to Camera 1 and sees SpringBonnie standing in the hallway looking at the camera Riley clicks away immedietly , "am I seeing things no way that thing shouldn't be functioning it looks like it hasn't been taken care of at all" he says, Riley notices the sound button on the tablet , he goes to camera 6 which is a bit farther from where the office is Riley presses the button , and Springbonnie goes straight to that camera , Riley checks the camera where Bonnie is and sees him standing up ,  Riley is shocked , "oh no" he says , Riley presses the sound Button not before going to another camera , "it doesn't work it only works on Springbonnie , Riley checks the camera's for another solution , Riley lowers the camera and sees a mask , a Freddy mask , is he supposed to put it on if so for how long it might be toxic unless there is a new Freddy animatronic out there , there is a note next to it that says , 'dear Nightguard I know what your thinking this might be toxic but several tests have been done and there is no signs of Toxins or radiation on the mask it is safe to wear' , "Okay then" Riley said he looks up and sees Bonnie in the doorway Riley puts on the mask , Bonnie tilts his head then walks away , Riley waits until he is past the window of the office then Riley takes off the mask , he sighs in relief ,  Riley gets back on the cameras looking for Springtrap , he sees Phantom Balloon Boy , Riley gasps and lowers the Camera and Balloon Boy appears in the office and scares Riley he screams , Bonnie looks back , and goes to the office , Riley gets the panel and sees a red flashing dot next to video feed , he presses the button it says rebooting , "why are they attacking they didn't attack before" Riley asked him self , he looks up and sees Bonnie walking into the office Riley screams in fear , he backs up , Bonnie walks to him , Riley tries to crawl into a vent , Bonnie grabs his ankle and pulls him out the vent Bonnie drags him to the doorway  Riley struggles to break free , Bonnie flips Riley onto his back , still holding his ankle ,  Bonnie bends down to get a closer look at Riley , "what are you going to do to me" Riley asked fearing for his life , Bonnie stands to his full height and lets go of Riley's ankle he scuffles back and Bonnie walks away , then the bell rings for 6am , Riley sighs in relief , he gets into his car and drives off Riley gets home he sits down on his couch , he takes a deep breath he wonders why didn't Bonnie kill Him , He could have easily done so , but Bonnie didn't

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