Night 3

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Riley comes back for another night , he gets in the office , Riley checks the Cameras , Bonnie is just sitting there , Riley wonders if he doesn't put on the mask Bonnie might attack him before Bonnie didn't kill him  when he had a clear shot , so maybe Riley can get Bonnie's trust and possibly get some answers , and right on time to because Bonnie comes to the office , Riley's heart skips a beat ,

"Hey Bonnie , listen I'm not a threat well you probably already know that" Riley said

Bonnie tilts his head

"listen do you know anything about that rabbit and the ghosts , that look like animatronics"  Riley asked

Bonnie looks around and gestures for Riley to follow him "uhm okay"  Riley says

Bonnie leads Riley to a wall of drawings , "whoa kids were really creative" Riley said

Bonnie puts his hand on this drawing with a yellow rabbit on it Riley looks at it "I-is that him" Riley asked

Bonnie nods , then he gestures to the kids around him "the 5 missing kids" Riley said

Bonnie looks to him

"yeah there was a news article" Riley said

then Bonnie points to the second kid on the left of the rabbit then points to himself

Riley looks at the kid then to Bonnie "that's you" Riley asked 

Bonnie nods then he puts his hand on the picture again , he gestures to the other kid drawing then rotates his hand then makes a fist

"they are angry , they haven't moved on" Riley said
Bonnie looks at Riley and nods
"So that's the ghost Animatronics" Riley asked

Bonnie nods, then Bonnie and Riley go back to the office 

"I need to check on Springtrap" Riley said 

Riley checks the cams and sees Springtrap on cam 4 , Riley goes to Camera 12 and presses the audio button "Come to think of it what does make that noise" Riley asked looking to Bonnie

he just shrugs

then the bell for 6am rings "oh Time to go" Riley said he walks out the office then he turns around and waves goodbye to Bonnie 

Bonnie waves back , then Riley walks out the building 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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