Chapter 3: The Storm

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*Phil's POV*
I woke up in my room. So tired and frustrated. I speedly fix my bed and change my clothes. I go to the Leaving room and I saw bags. I go to the Kitchen and saw my Mother making breakfast, and my sister and brother wearing a brand new clothes.

"Hey Mom why are there bags in the Living room?" I asked.
"Oh because, Karmesh and Lester are going with you." Mom said.
"What?" I asked.
"Come'on Phil, Me and Lester did'nt even go out of this house for a year" Karmesh answered.
"Ok, even Though, We helped Adrian, and We all know him so ok." I said.
"Yes, do you hear that Lester? Where going out today" Karmesh said and I looked at Mom.
"How about you Mom?" I asked
"Don't worry Phil, Adrian can take care of you all" Mom paused and I smiled.
"Hurry you be late at the bus going to West deck." Mom continued.
"Ok Mom don't worry" I answered.

After Eating breakfast, The three of us catched the bus and say goodbye to my Mom. At the bus Lester fall asleep. Karmesh use her computer and searching something. I was just looking the enviorment in the window. When we arrive at the west deck I saw my friends, waiting at the edge of the deck. We Quickly go out of the bus.

"Hey guys!" I shouted and my friends attention caught to me.
"Oh hey Phil, Who are these" JM asked.
"This is my brother, Lester. And my sister Karmesh" I explained. JM shaked hands with Karmesh, but when he shaked hands with Lester, He looked confused.
"Umm Phil. Why is Lester not shaking hands with me?" JM asked.
"Well Lester has a disability, He doesn't talk much. But he likes to meet new people" I explained.
"Well Lester nice to meet you" JM rub his head. Suddenly a Big Yacht Just sail to the edge. A bolt of Red lightnight Just run to us. The lightnight slowly fades and I saw my Friend Adrian.
"Hey guys" Adrian said.
"Hi" We all said.
"So are you ready sailing for two nights?" Adrian asked.
"Yeah" Bea said.
"Ok there are five rooms, Three of the rooms has 2 beds. So I thought that, Me and JM will sleep at room one, Joelito and Travis at room two, Lovenyl and Ranee at the third room. The last two rooms has three beds, Phil's family Will sleep at the 4 room, and Maxine, Bea, and Francee ann will sleep at the fifth" Adrian explained the machanisms.
"What happens if the engine is broken?" Francee ann explained.
"Don't worry, Captain R is a Profesional Captain" The R word thinks me if he's
"A pirate?" I asked, Adrian smiled.
"No that's just his captain name"
"Oh, Sorry" I asked for an apology.
"Ok, Let's just go inside the Yacht" Adrian said and everyone step inside the Yacht except for me and Lester. When I step at the stairs, Lester Didn't move just an inch. I saw Adrian Just walking on the stairs.
"Hey Adrian!" I shouted and Adrian looked at me.
"Phil, What do you want?" Adrian asked.
"Well Lester is actually scared so I was thinking that You could carry him to his room an I'll just carry our bags" I asked for a request.
"Ok" Adrian accepted and carry Lester to His room inside the Yacht. Lester doesn't like something that moves in the enviorment just like earthquakes. When Adrian lay Lester to his bed, I put his stuff and thanked him. Lester fall asleep so fast, I think he's tired of the trip.

*Adrian's POV*

After I put Lester to his room, Captain R drove the Yacht to the sea. I sit at the the edge in front of the deck. The wind was so fast. Bea just appeared at my back.

"Hey" She said and I looked at my back. I saw her smiling at me.
"Oh Hey" I replied just wanting her to know.
"Can I talk you for a sec?" She asked.
"Sure" I whispered. She sot down beside me.
"Umm, Why are inviting us here?" She asked and I grinned.
"Your a conduit, just like your friend, Francee. If Maxine was Friend since I live in her apartment. Then that makes you and Francee my friend too" I explained.
"But Maxine told me You met me first at the hospital while I'm at Coma"
"Yes, I was there because Dr., The one who made these powers. Wanted us to gather all conduits in New... York..." I slowly said at the "New York".
"Oh ok, I'll just help Francee about our stuff" She stands up and go to her room. I realized something. SOMETHING STRANGE. I stand up and go to room 4. I saw Phil laying at the bed. He looked relaxed.

"Hey Phil. Umm may I talk with you?" I asked.
"Sure dude" He accepted. I go inside at the room making sure that no ones around execept for Lester.
"Umm Phil, I was asking..." I paused for a sec.
"What?" Phil replied.
"How did you get your powers?" I concernly asked.
"I was one of the people at the exploded lab" I don't know if he's lying.
"Are you sure" I was just taking it.
"I promise" He raised his right hand, But I saw his left hand at his back. I quickly grab his left hand at I saw it crossed. I looked at him and he looked at me. I realased his hand.
"You lied?" I asked.
"Sorry Adrian" He asked for an apology.
"What do you mean sorry? Phil you never lied. I know you saved me from that stupid guy, but you... I just don't want to talk with you anymore" I made my desicion.

I leave the room and go back to the deck where I was sitting. It was 2 hours. I was so quite. But the engine was not. I was loud and I heard a boom at engine. I quickly go to Captain R's Station at I saw him scratching his head.

"Oh Captain. Is the Engine dead?" I asked.
"Yeah" He slowly said.
"How many time will it take?" I asked.
"For about 3 hours"
"Oh ok" I was not worried much. I saw raft at one of the end of the Yacht.
"Umm can we swin while you are fixing the engine?" I asked.
"Oh yes, just make sure your finished after 3 hours" He accepted and I run to the living room. Where Everyone was staying including PHIL.
"Hey GUYS. The engines dead" I paused.
"I knew it" Francee ann said.
"So Captain was Fixing the engine. He also let us swim" I explained.
"Is it safe?" Karmesh asked. Phil looked so quite.
"Yeah it safe" I replied.
"I was going to my room to change my clothes" I said and everyone go back to their rooms execept for Phil.
"Hey Adrian, I sorry" Phil stands up and he goes infront of me. I have a chance to talk with Phil
"Ok if your sorry then tell me. Tell me how did you get your powers?" I asked and he sighed.
"Ok, When The day when Dr.'s lab exploded, I didn't just Made the 45 people into conduits, it also made a ring. A small ring that was turning big. The height was high above the clouds. I was in the aiplane, going home and The ring hit the plane and Kaboom." He explained. I got al little mad.
"I will not believe you" I said and go back to my room.
"Adrian wait!" He shouted and I just ignore it. Continueing go to my room and smash it so hard. I saw JM changing his clothes.
"Something wrong?" JM asked and I sit down on my bed.
"Yeah. It's Phil, He was lying to me" I explained and JM was so imterested.
"Why?" He asked and I explained everything to him. Even Phil crossed his fingers. After telling to JM he suddenly leaves the room and go the raft. All of them are. When I finished changing my clothes I quickly jump at the water. It was so cold.
"Isn't this fun?" Ranee said happily
"Yeah.... It is" I silently said.
"Hey guys, wheres Phil?" Lovenyl asked and she jump at the water. I looked at JM. We keep quite and just continue to float.
"I think he at his room?" JM said and I looked at him. I quickly shook my head.
"Ok I'll check" Lovenyl run to Phil's room. I was just continueing to float. I was there for thirty minutes but when I feel a little pain in my foot.
"Ouch" I said and go back to the raft. I grab my foot and I saw a pice of wire stinging my foot.
"Umm guys is this familiar to you?" I asked.
"Wait is that?" Bea stopped her sentence until I continued.
"Ryan's wire..." I continued then Suddenly we heard a strike of lightning away from the boat. Then the clouds turn black and the waves were high.
"Guys we need to go back inside" We jump out of the water and Go inside. I saw JM still floating at the water.
"JM!" I shouted and run to him. But when I grab him a Bolt of lightning just hit me.
"Ahhh!" I yelled and putting JM back to the water.
"Bro are you ok?" JM asked and pulls me back to the raft.
"Yeah... I'm ok" I said and stand to the raft. We run inside and locked the door. Suddenly Lovenyl came to us.
"Hey guys, Phil's not inside his room, kitchen, here, and dining room." She mumbled .
"He's at the bathroom" I made a run to the bathroom. I twist the knob and it was lock. I put my ear near the door and I heard Phil crying. I knocked 2 times.
"Phil, Phil open the door!" I yell and I hope Phil open's it.
"No!" He yelled. At least he replies. I think I'll say sorry to him.
"Alright I'm sorry" I apologized but I was not sure if he accepted.
"No!" Well he don't.
"Com'on Phil your gonna die there!" I said.
"No way" He talked back. I got mad I raise my right hand and shhot video lasers but it won't let out.
"Huh?" I said and shaking my hand. I started kicking the door. But it won't still budge. Out in the window, I saw this huge wave was going towards us and it hits the yacht.

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