Chapter 2: Oliver's Amazing Outdoors Store

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Jemma and Vivian stood in front of the wide glass doors of Oliver's Amazing Outdoors Store.

They stared up at the large neon sign above the doors.

In large brown letters, was "Oliver's Amazing Outdoors Store". (No, duh.)

"Well...this is it....."  muttered Vivian "It's so.."  She looked at Jemma. "It's so much bigger than I.. umm.. imagined..."

Jemma gulped. "Well... I-i guess we should head inside now.." She shook with fear.

" we go...'' 

Both girls slowly opened the doors. They walked in, shuddering with what seemed to be fear....





There, in front of the girls, were 150 aisles filled with bug sprays, tents, lanterns, and fishing rods. The store was packed with people. Not packed as in Saturday 3 for 5$ potato chip sales where people mob the place just to get chips on sale, but packed, as in no-space-to-walk-or-even-eat-cheese packed.

"Now.... we have to find the tent section..." Jemma looked around. She couldn't see anything. Too much people.

"Jemma! There's an information booth over there!" yelled Vivian, who was trying to get past the mob of people to get to the information booth. "Excuse me sir.... Yahh!"

"Um.. Hey! Watch it! What did you say, Viv? Move!" Jemma pushed past people, trying to keep up with Vivian.

"This is- sorry, sir- just plain INSANE!" Vivian angrily plowed through the crowd, with Jemma close behind.

Eventually, they reached the information booth. There was a young man dressed in a ranger's uniform standing in the booth. He was probably only a couple years older than Jem and Viv. His name tag read "Peter". He was wearing earplugs.

"Excuse me! Sir! Can you help us?"Jemma yelled.

"What?!' replied Peter.

"Can you help us?"

"Huh?! Oh, Wait! Let me take out my earplugs!" He took out his earplugs."There we go. Now, what was it you girls needed?"

"Well, first, why is it so packed in here?" asked Jemma, yelling on top of her lungs.

"I still can't hear you! Hold on!" Peter pulled out a foghorn.

[[insert foghorn noise here]]

All the shoppers stopped and looked at Peter. Peter picked up a microphone. " *Ahem*  Anyone who does not keep quiet will be tasered by one of our 20 security guards!"

All of a sudden, the entire store was quieter than a graveyard. Nobody said anything.

*silence, then sound of whispering, a taser, and screaming*

"There. So, what was it you needed?" asked Peter politely.

"Um.... Where are the tents?" Vivian asked, backing away vvvveeeerrrryyyy slowly....

Peter replied; "Oh! Just over there in aisle two!" Then he turned on the intercom.  "Attention all shoppers, you are now free to talk. I repeat, you are now allowed to talk."


"That... was..... so weird..." Jemma was freaked out. "I think I'm going to be scarred for life... *yawn...*''

" *Sigh* Don't worry 'bout it... Oh! Look, the tent section!" Vivian pointed towards a large, open area filled with big tents, little tents, somewhat-in-the-middle tents, fat tents skinny tents, you know what I mean.

"OHMYGOSHVIVIANLOOKITSTHEAWESOMEKUSHYTENTIVEHEARDSOMUCHABOUT!" Jemma was so excited about something that we can't read up there ^, that she started speaking gibberish.

'Wait. What?" Vivian was confused. (And probably 50% of people reading this book are, too.)

"I said: "Oh my gosh, Vivian, look! It's the awesome Kushy Tent* I've heard so much about!" '' Jemma pointed to a large red tent with the logo Kushy Tent* on it. (No, duh.)

''Uh huh.... "

"Can I pleeease try it out? Please? *yawn* ''

"We don't have time. We still have to find a lantern and figure out who's house we're going to for supper by 4:00.'' Vivian checked her watch. 3:17.


"Ugh. Fine! I'm going to look around a little bit. You stay here. Meet me outside the store in ten minutes."

"Booyah!" Jemma unzipped the Kushy Tent*. She hopped inside. 'Viv! It's so soft!"

She leaned back onto the soft base of the Kushy Tent* She thought to herself; "So...soft...allergy medicine... drowsy...." She sprang up. "N-no.... I can't fall asleep... have to meet Vivian...front"

She yawned, and laid back down on the comfortable floor of the Kushy Tent* .


Jemma heard the voices of all the busy people outside the tent....


"Soft.... soooo...... soft...."


"No... Don't fall asleep..."


Her concience kept telling her not to fall asleep.. She ignored it.


She yawned once more... and slowly closed her eyes.......


Yeah, hi, it's me again. Tia. Or Bob. Or Yerken-Jerkin-Lurkin Hertz, whatever you want to call me.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter...

Be sure to like, fan, vote tweet... or you can just stuff your face with potato chips. Your choice.

(Personally, I'd choose the chips.)

Random Question: Who's you favorite character; Jemma, Vivian or Peter? Why?

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