Billionaire's Slut

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Little bit of a twist...
Mention of abortion! I know some people don't like that so if you are one of those people then I recommend skipping this short story!
"Max...I've given you enough time. I need the money you owe" Kyle says in the pity voice he always uses when talking to me. Marley fusses in my arms so I begin bouncing her on my hip. "Kyle please. I just need a few more days! I will pay rent I promise" My voice is pleading. I can't let us get kicked out, I'm barely handing on with my job now. If we get kicked out I won't be able to properly take care of Marley and not to mention Harley's school activities...

Marley begin to cry looking at me with watery bright blue eyes. Kyle frowns but I look away calling for my brother. He appears behind me bags under his eyes. "Please take Marley and feed her" I mumble handing her over to him. He nods taking her in his arms then walking away dragging his feet.

I turn back to Kyle, "please, just two more days and I'll have the money" I beg again hoping he will allow me the time. Kyle sighs in defeat and hope sparks in my chest. "Two days Max, if you don't have the money I won't have a choice" he says sternly and I nod. He walks away and I close the door resting against it with a sigh of relief.

After a moment I walk to the kitchen where Harley is feeding Marley some food. "How are you going to get the money Max?" Harley asked not even looking at me. I run a hand down my face letting out a sigh. My eyes move to the small business card on the fridge. The day I got that I was so desperate for some kind of of my coworkers handed me the card a slight smirk on his face. And the words he said I thought he were too good to be true.

"Call this number and all your problems will disappear"

I almost laughed in his face at the stupid sentence. The only way my problems will disappear is if I suddenly get gifted millions of dollars.

But...what if he was telling the truth? What if whoever picks up can help me...I just need some money and that's all. I need to pay rent and make sure Marley and Harley get fed properly. I grab the card and pull out my old phone.

"I'll be in my room, yell if you need me" I mumble before walking off and into my room. I sit on the lumpy bed phone to my ear as it rings. On the fourth ring I hear a click, "hello! Christian Yelps speaking!" The cheery voice actually makes me wince. "Uhm...someone gave me this card? I'm not sure how it will help me" I admit balling my free hand. The lady giggles, "it's alright sir! If someone gave you this number that means you are looking to make some money! My boss has been needing someone to help him" She says. I perk up, "y-yes! What do I need to do to get the job?" I ask hoping I can do whatever is needed.

At this point I'd do anything for some money to help my family.

"I will send you an address. My boss will be there and he will talk to you himself" She says. After saying bye I get a text right after just like she said. Okay, I can do this. This is for Marley and Harley. I need to get this job or whatever it is I'll be doing. I just hope this boss guy will like me.

The next day after getting Harley dropped off at school and leaving Marley with the nice old lady next door I make it to the large two story house. This guy clearly has a lot of money...

I knock on the door smoothing down the nicest shirt I could find in my closet. The large woods door creaks open and a young girl peeks her head out eyes wide. She looked me over before shutting the door which makes me frown. That was rude...

I lift my hand I knock again but before my fist hits the door it opens fully this time. My eyes widen at the tall man that stands before me. He looks like he could crush me with a single hand.

I can't help but let my eyes wonder, sculpted face, piercing green eyes, silky looking hair...then my eyes move to his build. The t-shirt looks like it's fighting for its life against his chest and arms.

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