Chapter 3 - The Bouncing Baby

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This bonus chapter is dedicated to James Z, with many thanks for your ongoing support!
I'm scheduling this chapter to post a couple of hours in advance, but when it goes live it'll be time for my birthday. I've invited all my cuddlies to my party; so I hope some of them can come.

As George crawled across the living room floor, his body trembling from the effort, he slowly started to get more confident with his crawling. He could move faster now, and it wouldn't be long before the demon that had stolen his body was within reach. It was focused intently on his laptop now, still working on his essay, so he could only hope that it didn't notice.

As he stretched after a particularly large step, he felt a sudden and urgent pressure growing inside Eve's tiny body. He paused for a moment, trying to identify the unfamiliar sensation. His heart sank as he realised what it was – the desperate need to use the bathroom. He glanced toward the door, which seemed miles away given his current size, and felt an overwhelming sense of dread.

"How am I supposed to make it all the way over there?" George thought, panic rising within him. He knew that even crawling that distance would be a monumental task, and now with this added urgency, it felt almost impossible.

"Not now, please!" George whispered to himself, clenching his fists in frustration. He attempted to will the feeling away, gritting his teeth and focusing all his energy on maintaining control over Eve's tiny body. He just needed to wait five minutes. But no matter how hard he tried, the urge only seemed to intensify.

And then without warning, Eve's instincts took over. George gasped, his eyes widening in horror as he felt his body start to push, and then the sensation of a mushy mess filling the back of his diaper overwhelmed his senses. It was a completely foreign and humiliating experience, and one that left him feeling utterly helpless.

"Awwww!" Eve whined under her breath, a childish cry with no discernible words behind it. She rocked back to sit on the floor, and the mess squished up against her butt as she stopped in place and started to cry. Hot tears burned at the corners of George's eyes as he tried to recover control over his new body, but in the circumstances all the childish instincts were just too strong. He wanted to scream, to shout in rage of the indignity he had just been forced to endure, but it took all his focus just to remember his own name, and to hold his body back from crying like a real baby. As he willed it, his baby vocal cords could not produce anything more coherent than a plaintive whimper. He could only sit there and wait for his demonic babysitter to notice.

"Is this really my life now?" George asked himself, choking back a sob. The helplessness gnawed at him, making his stomach churn with anxiety and despair. He looked down at the now-soiled diaper, feeling repulsed and trapped inside a body that he could not control.

Drawing in a shaky breath, he continued crawling toward the demon, each movement fueled by the burning desire to reclaim his life. It was hard at first, but after a couple of steps he could remember who he was again. Feeling how quickly his identity could slip away if he let himself act like a baby had only made him more determined to succeed. He knew that the road ahead was filled with obstacles and humiliations, but he refused to be defeated – not when there was still a chance, however slim, of returning to his former self.

"Stay strong," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own racing heartbeat. "You can do this."

"Aw, poor baby," the demon cooed, and George looked up to see his own body standing over him. He hadn't even noticed it start to move. George's heart pounded in his tiny chest, and he fought to suppress the instinctive urge to cry out for help. He knew that no one could save him now – least of all himself. George's possessed body scooped him up into its arms, cradling him with practised ease as it continued: "Let's get you all cleaned up, shall we?"

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