Chapter 5 - The Bundle of Joy

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Eve giggled as the babysitter put her down on the carpet, tummy filled with warm milk. She picked up one of the blocks from the floor, and tried tasting it. She was starting to understand now that toys didn't taste of much, but her mind was still malleable enough that she didn't really need a reason for anything she did. Things were in front of her, and they had bright colours, so she would interact with them in whatever way she thought of first.

George tried to focus on the block, and to remind this body that he wasn't a baby. He managed to put the block back down on the ground and then looked around him and tried to remember what he had been doing. There was a plan, he was sure, something that would let him get back his own body. That sounded like it should be fun, and probably better than being a baby girl. But he found himself frowning a little as she remembered that grown-ups had so much work to do, and were often too busy to play with her.

Those thoughts might have lasted longer if her attention hadn't drifted back to how good it felt for her tummy to be full of warm milk, because a second later she realised that after a long time slowly feeding, she needed to pee again. Eve grinned excitedly as she realised she knew what she was supposed to do, and the wave of joyful satisfaction she felt as the wet her diaper again was intense enough to drive every other thought out of her mind. She'd been praised so many times that she would always feel incredible pleasure when she wet herself now; and that made it even harder for what remained of George's mind to make itself heard.

But it didn't last forever. Maybe it was ten minutes later, but the contentment of a full tummy was starting to fade now. He pulled himself up to his knees, ready to crawl across the floor, and realised that he could feel the weight of his soggy diaper now; a reminder that he was learning how to be a good girl now. That gave her another reason to smile, but deep in George's mind he still remembered his determination to get back to his own body. And when he saw that the babysitter was sitting at the table doing boring grown-up stuff again, he knew that now was his chance.

"Da," George mumbled proudly, selecting a car that wasn't such a bright colour. He knew he needed something to make the babysitter fall down. And stepping on a car was probably good. He already had the big thing with all the bright colours, even if he couldn't remember the word for it. He knew it would make a noise if he hit it with dolls or blocks, so the babysitter would be looking at him and wonder what she was doing. Then he could send one of the little toy cars to go under the babysitter's foot, and make him fall down.

George allowed herself a little smile, sure that this plan would work. And it wasn't so complicated this time, so he knew he would be able to make it work. The only thing he needed to do now was pick the best car for the job. There were two of them that might work. One was a kind of dull brown colour, and one of them was a light blue that was kind of like the colour of some little bits of the carpet. So the babysitter wouldn't notice them until it was too late. Maybe both would work, but he needed to know which one was the best. She might only get one chance at this, and the babysitter was too smart to fall for the same trick twice. It had to work the first time.

"Wit one faster?" George said to herself, looking down at the two little cars. That would probably help. A faster car could get under the babysitter's foot faster, after all. And taking less time meant there was less chance he would look down before it got there. But how was George supposed to know which one was faster? She wasn't sure, but she knew there had to be an answer. And then she grinned widely as an idea managed to force its way through the fog of baby thoughts that was trying to fill up her head. A race!

The two little cars were on the starting lines. George sat there with one hand on each car, making 'vroom vroom' noises as best she could when her mouth wouldn't behave. And then she whispered "Go!" and pushed them forward. It was a slow start, because her arms couldn't reach far, and so the cars had to wait for her to roll over onto her front before they could carry on racing. Maybe it would have been easier if she didn't start sitting down, but it didn't matter. Before long she was on her knees and crawling across the lounge, pushing both cars as fast as she could to help them win the race. Sometimes she had to stop a little bit, because she needed to stop and take a breath after making too much car noises, but they both went really fast and reached the end of the coffee table really, really fast. But they were right together, and she decided that was too close. This was a super important secret mission, and she really needed to know who was fastest. Almost the same wasn't good enough, so they'd have to have a longer race.

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