Chapter seven (Final)

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Y/N and Felix, having experienced a tumultuous period filled with emotional ups and downs, were gradually finding their way back to normalcy. The ordeal with Ji-Min had affected them both deeply, but it also brought them closer in an unexpected way. Y/N's unrequited feelings for Felix and the hurt they both suffered due to Ji-Min's actions led to a new understanding and mutual support between them.
Over time, Felix began to find joy in his life again, his smile returning more frequently. Y/N, too, was healing, her laughter becoming a regular sound once more. They had become each other's support system, providing comfort and a listening ear whenever needed.
Y/N had accepted that her relationship with Felix would remain platonic. However, Felix felt the need to address the elephant in the room – Y/N's past feelings for him. One day, he decided to talk to her privately in the living room's corner, away from the prying eyes and ears of their bandmates.

"Y/N, I've been meaning to talk to you about something," Felix began, his voice gentle.

Y/N looked at him, her expression open and understanding. "What's up, Felix?"

"It's about... well, how you felt about me before," Felix said carefully. "I want you to know that I really value our friendship. I've always cared about you a lot, just not in the way you might have hoped."

Y/N nodded, her face calm. "I understand, Felix. And I want you to know that I'm okay with it. Our friendship means everything to me, and I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Felix looked relieved. "I'm really glad to hear that. I was worried it might be awkward between us."

Y/N smiled reassuringly. "No, not at all. We've been through a lot, and it's only made our friendship stronger."

Felix extended his arms for a hug, a gesture of friendship and gratitude. Y/N accepted the hug warmly, a sign of their solid and enduring friendship.

As they pulled away, Felix smiled. "Thanks for being so understanding, Y/N. You're an amazing friend."

Y/N returned the smile. "Anytime, Felix. And thank you for being there for me too."

Unbeknownst to them, Jisung, who sat on the other end of the room, caught a glimpse of their embrace and overheard snippets of their conversation. Misinterpreting the situation, a wave of emotions surged through him. His mind raced with thoughts, mistakenly believing that there might be something more between Y/N and Felix.

A mix of disappointment and self-reproach washed over Jisung. "How could I be so naive to think Y/N might have feelings for me?" he thought to himself, feeling a pang of foolishness.

In a sudden, impulsive move, Jisung stood up abruptly, his chair scraping loudly against the floor. The sudden noise caught everyone's attention, turning their heads in his direction.

BangChan, concerned by Han's unexpected reaction, called out to him. "Hey, Jisung, where are you going?"

But Jisung didn't respond. He quickly exited the room, his footsteps echoing his turmoil. He needed space to process his feelings, to understand the whirlwind of emotions that had taken hold of him.
Meanwhile, back in the living room, Felix and Y/N broke away from their hug, unaware of the misunderstanding they had inadvertently caused. They rejoined the group, their faces reflecting the ease of their resolved conversation.

Y/N, noticing the sudden shift in the room's atmosphere, asked, "Did something happen? Where did Jisung go?"

BangChan, still looking towards the door Jisung had exited through, replied with a hint of concern, "I'm not sure. He just stormed out. Maybe something's bothering him."

The group exchanged puzzled looks, the mood shifting from comfort to concern. They all knew Jisung as someone who rarely let his emotions get the better of him in such a visible way.

Felix, feeling a sense of responsibility, suggested, "Maybe someone should check on him."

Y/N, still puzzled and worried, nodded in agreement. "I'll go see if he's okay."

Y/N hurried after Jisung, her concern growing with each step. "Jisung, wait up!" she called out, her voice echoing down the hallway.

Jisung finally slowed down, his shoulders tense, his body language betraying a turmoil of emotions. When Y/N caught up to him, he turned around abruptly, his expression a mix of frustration and hurt.

"I just don't get it, Y/N," he started, his voice shaking slightly. "I've always been there for you, through everything. And then... then I see you going back to Felix, who just sees you as a friend."

Y/N listened, her heart sinking as she realized the depth of Jisung misunderstanding.

Jisung's words tumbled out in a rush, revealing more than he probably intended. "I was so stupid to think I'd ever have a chance with you. How could I not see that it was never going to be me? And how could you not see how I feel about you?"

Y/N, taken aback by the intensity of his confession, didn't know how to respond. Jisung feelings, laid bare in such a raw manner, were both surprising and revealing.

In a moment driven by a mixture of impulse and emotion, Y/N reached out, pulling Jisung into a deep, passionate kiss. The action was spontaneous, a response to the pent-up feelings and the tension of the moment. Jisung, stunned at first, quickly responded to the kiss, his arms wrapping around Y/N, pulling her close. The initial shock gave way to a passionate embrace, their bodies pressed together, leaving no space in between.
As they continued to kiss, lost in the moment, they were unaware of their audience. The rest of the band, having followed Y/N out of concern for Jisung, had silently witnessed the scene unfolding.

The boys exchanged looks of surprise and relief. "Finally," Seungmin whispered, a smile on his face.

Felix, observing the scene with a sense of pride and happiness, murmured, "Looks like they finally figured it out."

The moment between Jisung and Y/N marked a significant shift in their relationship. From frenemies to friends, and now, in this unexpected turn of events, they had crossed into new territory, exploring their feelings for each other beyond friendship.
As Jisung and Y/N eventually broke away from their kiss, they looked into each other's eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. They didn't need words to express what had just happened; the kiss had said it all.
The rest of the band quietly retreated, giving Jisung and Y/N the space they needed. They knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter for the two, a journey from a tumultuous past to a hopeful future.
Jisung and Y/N, still in each other's arms, took a moment to process the intensity of their emotions. What had started as a moment of frustration and confession had blossomed into something more, something neither of them had anticipated but both were ready to explore.
The journey ahead for Jisung and Y/N was uncertain, but one thing was clear – they were willing to take the chance and see where their newfound understanding and feelings would lead them.

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