Chapter six

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Ji-Min's and Felix's relationship troubles became more evident over time. Their frequent arguments and Ji-Min's increasing busyness led to Felix appearing mentally exhausted, a shadow of his usual vibrant self.

Y/N, aware of the situation, found herself in a challenging position as she and Felix were assigned a dance cover of the song "Trouble Maker" by Trouble Maker. The dance was known for its intimate choreography, which only added to the existing tension.

One day, while practicing in the studio, Y/N broached the subject with Felix. "Hey, Felix, you've seemed a bit off lately. Is everything okay?"

Felix sighed, taking a moment before responding. "It's just... things with Ji-Min. They're not great. She's been really busy, and when we do talk, it often ends in an argument."

Y/N nodded understandingly. "I'm sorry to hear that. And I know our dance routine might be adding to the stress, considering how... close the choreography is."

Felix rubbed the back of his neck, looking conflicted. "Yeah, about that. I'm worried Ji-Min won't take it well. She already doesn't like how much time I spend practicing and being with the group."

Trying to lighten the mood, Y/N offered a small smile. "Well, we're professionals, right? We'll just have to make sure our performance is top-notch. Maybe focusing on the technical aspects will help keep things less awkward?"

Felix managed a weak smile. "Yeah, you're right. Let's just focus on getting the steps down perfectly."

As they continued their practice, both tried to maintain a professional demeanor, focusing on perfecting their movements and timing. The dance was challenging, requiring a balance of precision and expression.

At one point, during a particularly close move, Felix paused. "I'm sorry if this is awkward, Y/N. I just want to make sure we get this right without... crossing any lines."

Y/N stepped back, giving him some space. "No worries, Felix. We're both here to do our best. Just lead the way, and I'll follow."

Their practice sessions continued over the next few days, marked by a mutual effort to keep things professional and focused. Despite the underlying tension, they managed to develop a routine that was both technically impressive and artistically expressive.

Throughout this period, the other members noticed the change in Felix. Changbin mentioned it one day after practice. "Felix, you've been looking really worn out. Everything okay with you and Ji-Min?"

Felix forced a smile. "Just going through a bit of a rough patch. It'll work out, hopefully."

The group offered Felix their support, understanding the personal challenges he was facing. In the midst of their own busy schedules, they made sure to check in on him, reinforcing the strong bonds of friendship and support within the group. The tension backstage at the performance was palpable, especially after Y/N and Felix's dance to "Trouble Maker." The routine had been executed flawlessly, earning roaring applause from the audience, but the reaction backstage was far from celebratory.
Ji-Min's anger was evident as she watched from the wings, her eyes fixed on Y/N with a death glare that sent a chill down the spines of those who noticed it. Jisung, who wasn't entirely comfortable with the dance given his history with Y/N, still understood it was purely professional.

"Did you see Ji-Min's face during their performance?" Seungmin whispered to Changbin and Jisung. "She looked like she was about to explode."

Jisung, his eyes narrowed, nodded slightly. "Yeah, I saw. Let's just hope she keeps her cool."

Y/N, unaware of Ji-Min's growing fury, left to change out of her performance attire. Felix, still backstage, received a warning from the boys.

"Felix, you might want to keep an eye on Ji-Min," Jeongin cautioned. "She didn't look happy with Y/N."

Before Felix could respond, Ji-Min slipped away, following Y/N. In the quiet corridor, she confronted Y/N, grabbing her and shoving her against the wall. Ji-Min's nails dug into Y/N's skin as she hissed, "Stay away from Felix. You're nothing but trouble."

Y/N, shocked and in pain, struggled against Ji-Min's grip, her fear evident.

At that moment, Jisung, Felix, and Changbin turned the corner, witnessing the altercation. Felix's expression darkened immediately. "Ji-Min, let her go!" he demanded, his voice filled with anger. "What is your problem with Y/N? I've had enough of how you've been treating her!"

While Felix and Ji-Min argued, Jisung quickly stepped in, pulling Y/N away from Ji-Min and into his arms. Y/N clung to him, her body shaking from the shock and fear.

Changbin tried to defuse the situation, stepping between Felix and Ji-Min. "Let's not make this worse. We need to calm down."

Felix, his voice firm and resolute, addressed Ji-Min. "We're done, Ji-Min. It's over. Leave me, my bandmates, and my friends alone."

Ji-Min, her face contorted with bitterness, spat back, "You'll regret this, Felix. You'll see."

As she stormed off, the tension in the corridor remained. Felix looked both relieved and distressed, his gaze lingering on Y/N, who was still in Han's embrace.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," Felix said softly. "I never wanted any of this to happen."

Y/N, still shaken, managed a weak nod, her focus on regaining her composure. Jisung gently rubbed her back, offering silent support.
Following the unsettling incident with Ji-Min, Bangchan and Felix wasted no time in reporting the matter to JYP Entertainment. Ji-Min's actions were not only unprofessional but also harmful, and they needed to be addressed immediately.

In the office of JYP, Bangchan explained the situation with a serious tone. "We have an issue with Ji-Min. She physically attacked Y/N, and Felix witnessed the whole thing."

Felix, still visibly shaken, added, "She's been showing aggressive behavior for a while now, but this is the first time it got physical."

JYP, concerned and decisive, assured them, "We'll review the security footage right away. This kind of behavior is unacceptable."

The security footage clearly captured Ji-Min's aggressive behavior towards Y/N, leaving no room for doubt. The revelation led to swift action from JYP Entertainment. Ji-Min was immediately cut from the company and blacklisted from all entertainment agencies.
Further investigations into Ji-Min's background revealed startling information. She had been an obsessed fan of Stray Kids since their debut and had always harbored a fixation on Felix. Additionally, it came to light that she had been cheating on Felix with another idol, who was unaware of her relationship with Felix.
The news sent shockwaves through the group. Felix was deeply affected by the revelations, feeling betrayed and misled.

In the privacy of their dorm, the members gathered around Felix, offering their support. Minho spoke first, "Felix, we're here for you, man. You're not alone in this."

Felix, his emotions raw, replied, "I just can't believe she was deceiving me all this time. And to think she hurt Y/N..."

Y/N, who was also present, reassured Felix, "It's not your fault, Felix. You couldn't have known."

"We'll all keep an eye out for each other. That's what we do." Jisung added.

The group spent the evening sharing their thoughts and comforting Felix. There was a sense of solidarity among them, a determination to look out for one another.
As the days passed, Jisung continued to be a steady presence for both Felix and Y/N. His protective nature, which had once been a source of conflict with Y/N, had become something she had grown to appreciate and rely on.
Felix was still grappling with the aftermath of his relationship with Ji-Min, found solace in the support of his bandmates and friends. The incident had brought them closer together, reinforcing the bond they shared as a group and highlighting the importance of their support for one another.
In the midst of the challenges they faced, the members of Stray Kids found strength in their unity, ready to face whatever lay ahead together.

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