On A Mission

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Laura had suggested to hire her brother Ollie, a bounty hunter, for their latest mission.

Leora thought it would be a good idea and, with the approval of the council, the Esper Union established a relationship with Ollie Ramses: Bounty Hunter. 

Ollie was not pleased that his sister had put down his contact information for the Esper Union. But when he saw how much he would get paid, he knew he couldn't refuse the offer.

On the day of the mission, Ollie walked up to his sister who gave him a quick hug.

"It's always good to see you, Ollie! Let me introduce you to the group before we head out. Today we are going to inspect the miracle nearby for research materials."

"Ah this explains why the gig paid so much."

"Don't worry, Ollie," his sister reassured him, "You're in good hands with us—"

"I wasn't worried. I just hope this isn't a waste of my energy," He crossed his arms.

Laura looked at him, giving him a moment to calm his temper.

"It won't be a waste of time," she reassured him, "Asenath is with us too. Maybe you two could meet up with discuss your plant babies."

He scoffed.

"My what? Come on, Laura. You mean my cacti and Frosty? 'Plant babies'. You've been spending too much time with Anita again—"

"And you haven't spent enough. When are you coming over to see her?"

"Maybe over Solstice or something. I don't know yet."

"OK. We can always talk about that closer to the time."


"Drew's gonna be there too."

"What? Today or at Solstice?"

"Both. Drew is here to see us off on the mission."

"OK. That's fine. We are back on speaking terms after all."

She nods, "Good. Good."

An orange haired girl was waving to Laura and Ollie in the distance.

"Come on guys! We need to get moving soon!"

"Oh, look. It's a little squirrel. Bright eyed and bushy tailed."

"Now Ollie, don't go sassing off to General Leora because she's got energy in the morning."

"General? Her?"

"Yes. Wait until you see her in combat. You'll be glad she's on side."

Ollie took a moment to register what his sister had told him.

"Was she a turncoat from the Shadow Decree?"

"Shhh! Don't bring up stuff like that."

"It's usually that people leave the Union and go to the Shadow Decree. Not the other way around."

"Don't talk about what you don't know about Ollie. That's enough already."

"I know more than you think..."

Ollie decided to see for himself who this General Leora was.

As they got closer, he was surprised to see that the general was quite tall for a slender female. He could also feel her energy: It was like the power and light of a thousand suns. Her eyes were dark blue and looked like cat's eyes. A small smile grew across the young general's lips which complemented her cheeks covered in brown freckles.

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