Chapter 1: The Divine Sword

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May 8th

His ten seconds of balance breaker having run out Issei Hyoudou lies on the floor out of power and the will to fight. His opponent Riser Phenex stomping on his chest gloating about his victory

"You gave a valiant effort pawn of Rias but just as Riser predicted you lost and now you're nothing but a pathetic worm under Risers boot" Riser gloats in the third person

"Tell me young dragon are you so weak that you can't even stand against someone as pathetic as this phenix?" A female voice asks from Issei's right although it appears no-one else can hear her. Looking over he finds a tall, voluptuous woman with bright red hair and crimson red eyes

 Looking over he finds a tall, voluptuous woman with bright red hair and crimson red eyes

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"Who?" Issei croaks out staring at her

"I am Phoenix Blade the sword created and wielded by Lucifer himself, i ask you this pawn of Gremory are you finished? Will you simply allow the woman you love to be married to this man or will you find the strength to save her?" The woman asks

"I will save her..." Issei croaks

"What is that worm?" Riser asks looking down at Issei

"Hmm you are a determined one much like my previous master" the woman ponders for a moment "I will give you my power, shout out your conviction with all your strength" she says

"I WILL SAVE RIAS GREMORY!" Issei shouts out with all his will, as he does his body is engulfed in bright blue flames that cause Riser to jump back

"Issei!" Rias cries out in the wedding venue

The flaming form of Issei stands up and rises into the air before the flames disappear revealing Issei with bright, blonde hair and a pair of wings identical to the Phenex clans although much larger and the boosted gears second liberation on his left arm

"WHAT!?" Riser shouts throwing two large fireballs at Issei only for them to do nothing

Boost Times Ten! The voice of Ddraig rings our from the boosted gear "Welsh dragon Balance Breaker!" The true balance breaker appearing on his body

"Amaterasu!" Issei calls out and in return torrent of deep black flames flows over his hands he then darts forward closing the distance between him and the Phenix heir pummeling the devil over and over Riser crying out in pain with every hit his healing not helping at all

"This match is over" Sirzechs says teleporting the two combatants back to the wedding venue the black flames having been put out upon arrival "Congratulations Sekiryūtei you are the victor do you still wish for Rias as your prize?" Sirzechs asks

Issei dispells his armour once again showing off his new red hair "I do but if you would be so kind i would like to ask for a rank up if at all possible" he requests

Sirzechs smirks "Of course red dragon I'm sure that would be no issue" he replies "I'll arrange your rank up and finalise the engagement to Rias as soon as i can"

"Than you sir!" Issei says bowing to the maou only to have said maou's sister tackle him

"Issei!" Rias cries out hugging him tears running down her cheeks

"Hey Rias I'm okay" Issei says hugging back

"I'm so glad" Rias says

From there the night goes on as just a regular party and by the end Issei and Rias returned to Kuoh on a griffin

"That power boost and appearance change were quite unusual what do you make of it Ajuka?" Sirzechs asks watching his sister and Issei fly away

The green haired maou walks out from behind a pillar "So you sensed it as well, it was definitely strange, his aura was not dissimilar to Lord Phenex" Ajuka replies

"I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens" Sirzechs says

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