a turn for the worse

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(I'm sure most of you have noticed that I have changed the name of this story. The reason is because I really want it to get pushed to more people and I think that the name was to long for wattpad to get it out there. Sorry for any inconvenience)

Chapter 7

As we rejoin the story it has been about a month since the truth about Jazz had been told. Not much had happened since that morning. But the main things were. The crew had gotten much closer, Bumblebee was starting to talk more, and Megatron was considering taking Optimus on a date. But some other things were, One day while Blitzwing was showing Bumblebee all around the castle Bee stepped on a nail that had been left of the floor. It impaled him but he didn't say anything. He didn't want to intrupt Blitzwing. Just as the Con was finishing up his tour he noticed the tail of blood behind them. He checked his servos then realized it must be Bumblebee.
Blitzwing rushed to him. "Are jou aright?!" Blitzwing picked Bumblebees up. "Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about it." But it was to late the poor Con was already very worried. Blitzwing rushed Bumblebee to the medical room, sat Bumblebee on one of the chairs, then grabbed some bandage. "Alright let me see." Bumblebee was confused. He had never had somebot care about him this much. Once Blitzwing finished bandaging his foot Bumblebee asked. "Why did you do that?" Now Blitzwing was confused. "Do vhat? Help jou?" "Yeah." "Vell, I was concerned about jou. I didn't want you to get infected." It was in that moment the Bumblebee realized just how much Blitzwing cared for him. "Thank you." Bumblebee said as he gave Blitzwing a hug and Blitzwing hugged him back.

Blitzwing had managed to convince the whole castle to play a few rounds of hide-and-seek. No one knows why he wanted to play, but he did. Bumblebee had won most of the rounds because he was small, stealthy, and quiet. Even though Blitzwing only convinced Optimus and Megatron to play one round Megatron was the first one found because he was such a large bot. And Optimus had won the round he played, this was because he would move to where ever everyone had checked.

A few days later Bumblebee decided to play a prank on Megatron, (this was not a good idea.) Bumblebee went back and forth between a few types of pranks, but eventually he decided on a scaring prank. So Bumblebee hid in Optimuses room and waited for Megatron, when he eventually walked in Bumblebee jumped out from behind the door way. A very girlish scream came from the large bot. Megatron was not happy about this, he picked Bumblebee up. No amount of struggling would free him from the bots grasp. Megatron set Bumblebee on top of Optimuses wardrobe which was just high enough that Bumblebee wasn't able to get down. This made Optimus laugh more at this than at Megatrons scream. Bumblebee was trying to get down but the small bot wasn't able to get off. Around ten minutes later Blitzwing came in because he had been searching for Bumblebee. Blitzwing saw what Megatron had done and tried his best to hold back laughter as he got Bumblebee down.

The month came to a close on a concerning note when one of Megatrons spies he had in the autobot kindom reported back, Megatron found out that the king might be planning something.

As we rejoin the story we join in the autobot kindom. Where ultra Magnus is trying to think of a way to get rid of the Decepticons for good. Then finally and idea comes to the autobot king. He was going to capture the Decepticons. And he knew just how to do it.

A Kingdom Apart (TFA Megop/blitzbee Fic)Where stories live. Discover now