put in motion

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Chapter 9

Once they got to the autobot kindom all the Decepticons were counted and put in cells, with around three Decepticons in each cell. Optimus had been put in a cell with Megatron and Starscream. Blitzwing had been put with Lugnut and another seeker. And so on and so forth. Bumblebee had been brought to the autobot infirmary. He got bandaged up then he was brought to a room. "Optimus?" Bumblebee asked over the private system. There was no response for a few minutes, then. "Bumblebee? Are you there?" Bumblebee imdently responded. "I'm here Optimus. Are you guys all okay?" "I got put onto a cell with Megatron and Starscream, and they were both injured but they seem to be holding on alright." "What about you and Blitzwing?" Bumblebee asked. "I'm fine, bleeding a little, but I'm fine." "And Blitzwing?" Optimus paused. "I'm not sure. He was put a few cells down from ours, but last I saw of him he was bleeding pretty bad and unconscious." Bumblebee put his servo over his mouth. "Optimus, please tell me he's still online." Optimus was silent for a minute then said. "I just scanned and I can still detect his signal. So he's online at least." Bumblebee let out a small breath of relief. "Ok, now that I know you're all ok, mostly. How do you want me to put the second part of the plan in action?" "You might have to wait a few days, just so everything can settle down. The guards are definitely on higher guard then usual. So we have to wait for them to get comfortable." Optimus replied. "So in other words yall better get comfortable aswell?..." Bumblebee asked. "Yes I suppose so." Optimus responded. "Alright Optimus, I trust you." Bumblebee was a bit on edge, because he didn't want to wait and because he was going to have to manage to avoid the king the whole time. "You guys just better be careful." "Of course, Bumblebee. And I'll give you any updates when needed." "Okay, you guys stay safe and I'll wait it out." "Alright, Bumblebee. Until next time." "Until then, Optimus." With that the private com when silent. "Hows he holding up?" Megatron asked Optimus. "He's fine, he just doesn't like waiting." "Me neither." Megatron replied. "You'll have to get used to it." Optimus chuckled.

Back with Bumblebee, he was trying to figure out a way to avoid the king then he remember something. He flicked open his servo and pressed a button. In second his color had changed from yellow and black to a dark blue and orange. He looked in the mirror. "Wow, I don't even recognize myself." He didn't much like those colors on him. "I'm definitely switching back once this is over with. But this'll do for now." Bumblebee turned and was about to leave, but just as he grabbed the door handle the door flew open. Bumblebee backed up in surprise and saw that guards were there. "Can I help you?" Bumblebee asked. "You have been requested by the king." The guards replied. "May I ask why?" "The king just want to check up an all the injured knights." "Alright, let's go then." Bumblebee followed the guards down the hall. Eventually they made it to the kings throne room and when they opened the door Bumblebee saw that a bunch of other injured knights were there. He walked in and stood and the far end of the line. Once a few more knights walked in and joined the line, then the king stood up and walked to each knight. "What is your name and regiment?" Then they would answer and Bumblebee realized he better come up with something quick. "What's is your name and regiment?" "My name is acid and my regiment is scout." Bumblebee replied. Ultra Magnus seemed confused. "Why was a scout in battle." Then another bot stood forward and said. "He was being held captive by the Decepticon Blitzwing. We rescued him but he had several injuries, we assumed came from Blitzwing." "Sure, they came from Blitzwing..." Bumblebee mumbled. "Very well, all of you may return to your rooms." Ultra Magnus said. Then all the knights dispursed, each to their own room. A few days passed and Bumblebee couldn't get Blitzwing off his processor, so he decided to go visit him. Bumblebee made his way down to the cell blocks and started searching for Blitzwings cell. After about half and hour he found it. "Blitzwing!" Bumblebee said in quiet excitement. The prince looked up and was more then relieved to see Bumblebee. "Hummelchen! Jou are okay!" Blitzwing tried to stand up and go over the the cell door window. But his stabilizing servos were to damaged. "I vould come over zhere but I can't." Blitzwing said. "That's alright, but I might be able to atleast help." Bumblebee reached into a bag he brought and handed lugnut some of the medical supplies. "Will you please help him out for me Lugnut?" Lugnut nodded his head and started to bandage Blitzwing. "I'll be back in a minute." Blitzwing nodded and Bumblebee turned to go down the hallway. After looking in a few more cells he found out where Optimus, Megatron, and Starscream were. "Hey, how ya'll doing?" Optimus turned and saw Bee. "Bumblebee!" "The one and only." Bumblebee chuckled. "Now, how would you guys like some of these?" Bumblebee asked holding up some bandages. "That would be great. Both of these morons need it." "Morons!" Starscream shouted. "Yes morons. Now do you want these or not?" Optimus replied. Once all three of them got bandaged up Optimus turned back to Bumblebee. "Did you check on Blitzwing?" "Yeah I did. He's not doing very well. He couldn't even stand." Optimus got a sad expression. "I'm sorry Bumblebee I'm sure that must be tough." "It's alright. But I think I'm going to go 'borrow' some more bandages and give them to the other Decepticons." Optimus nodded his head. "That sound like a good idea." Then Bumblebee turned and made his way up to the autobots medical room. While he was in there he heard a bot coming. He quickly hid in one of the rooms and watched to see who it was. Jazz walked in with another knight. "Can you believe we finally captured those filthy Decepticons?" Jazz said. "Yeah, but I feel like we were a little harsh with them. I mean most of them have not received the medical help they need. But nobody's willing to help them, and at this point I'm going to." The other knight replied. Jazz just scoffed. "Whatever." Jazz then left. The other knight just stayed there for a moment, he seemed to be considered something. Then Bumblebee got and idea, it was a stupid idea, but an idea. "Did you mean that?" Bumblebee asked walking out of the room. The bot jumped. "Aah! Don't sneek up on a bot like that." "Sorry." Bumblebee walked up to him. "But did you mean what you said. About wanting to help the Decepticons?" "Yeah, why?" "Well, I have some medical supplies here. But I need to get more and I need a bot with medical experience." The bot looked Bumblebee up and down then put his servo to his face plate. "I must be losing my processor." He paused. "Come on, let's get the needed medical supplies." Bumblebee smiled. "I'm Bumblebee." He lifted a servo. "I'm Ratchet." He shook Bumblebees servo. "Now come one, we have to hurry."

After all the needed medical supplies where gathered Bumblebee and Ratchet went down to the cells.

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