Chapter 1: Road Trip!

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    I was lying down with a book in the backseat of EJ's sedan. Yes, it was small, but so was I. Another reason to hate myself. I quickly shook my head and put my Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief book down. "No, AJ," I mutter to myself. "Positive thoughts." I took deep breaths to cool myself, then sighed, slightly annoyed, when I was calm again. I couldn't wait to show Kourtney, Carlos, Ashlyn and Gina my actual home. That was, when Gina actually arrived. The reason why we were in EJ's car was because one, I was a junior with no licence. Two, Dad hated me and refused to buy me anything. Including any form of transportation. He even kicked me out of his house! But that was fine. I had Ashlyn, and Mom left me quite some money.

Putting my book back into my bag, I decided to lean over the seats in front of me and socialise. I hear Ash groan and look at Kourt. "He's on a dad joke kick 'cause he's taking us on a road trip." Ash nods and shuts the door.

"That is completely false and I just have one question." He replies back then looks behind at all of us in the back. Kourtney leans in to listen and I sigh knowing it's gonna be another joke. "What's orange and sounds like a parrot?" He's struggling not to laugh and Ash shakes her head, sighing. "A carrot!" EJ laughs but no one looks even slightly impressed.

"Is he okay?" Carlos asks, but Ash ignores him and puts her seat belt on.

"Just a final headcount who's not here." EJ butts in, trying to change the subject. I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance. Goodness, how could he forget his own girlfriend?

"Big Red's gotta work"

"Seb's gotta milk."

"Nini's with her moms."

"And Ricky is with-" Carlos tries to say but is interrupted by EJ honking loudly. We all look at him weirdly and Carlos bows his head. Then I remember that Ricky is currently preoccupied with a sorry excuse of a human named Lily.

"We don't say her name." EJ says bluntly and everyone looks around awkwardly. Kourt puts on her seat belt and he continues. "And why are you all going to the world's best summer camp ever?"

"Because there's a secret celebrity!" They all squeal as they huddle together except me, who mumbles, "because it's home." They all laugh and EJ gets a little sad.

"Oh. I was actually looking for "We all love each other, something something Wildcats!" He cheers to himself in the front and I give him a look and chuckle quietly.

"Yes." Ashlyn points at him awkwardly and he points back excitedly.

"Yeah, no. I just can't wait to see my second best friend! Sure, I facetimed, called, and texted her but still!" They all laugh and EJ gives me a smirk.

"Second best friend? Am I not enough for you?!" Kourtney says in shock, her hand over her heart. I look at her and laugh.

"Kourt, chill. You are more than enough. Pinky promise" We share a wink before I notice EJ smiling slyly at me. "What, EJ." I say bitterly. As soon as I hear myself, I can't help but feel guilty. That came out ruder than I imagined. I bounce my knee up and down nervously. I have ADHD and cannot stay still. It. Sucks.

"Sure it's not 'cause your crush is coming to camp?" He says. The group squeals, eager to get the tea. Meanwhile, I blush furiously.

"You are dead to me." I say, glaring intensely at him. Ever since I began video calling Maddox on my really old and lousy second-hand phone since I'm saving money to buy a new model, her brother has been interrupting once in a while to chat with me and EJ has never stopped teasing me because of it. "I. Don't. Like. Him." My voice is laced with venom. Thankfully, before the group starts pressuring me, Gina arrives.

"Gina, come on!" EJ shouts out the window, desperate for a change of subject knowing that if he upsets me further, I won't hesitate to pinch him. Hard. I may have short arm but I have a shoe as backup. I didn't wear my Wheelies today for nothing.

She runs up to the window and I flash her a nice big smile.

"Okay, braids!" Ashlyn exclaims and everyone oooooooh's while Carlos helps open the door for her when he sees that my short arm is trying and failing to reach the door handle.

"What did you wish for?" EJ asks quietly but my hearing is crazy and I hear everything.

She leans in and looks at him. "If I told you, who knows what would happen?" She says, pecking him on the cheek.

I make alarm noises. "Woop! Woop! Less PDA, more driving! Please and thank you!" I say, breaking them up.

Everyone gets excited and Kourt begins playing What Time Is It on her phone while EJ plays Start The Party on his. We all begin to start dancing. Well, except me because as much as I love the arts in general, I get motion sickness. I lie back down, spreading myself across the seats as everyone else starts singing and dancing to a What Time Is It/Start The Party mashup. Good thing I brought my bunny plush toy, Lulu. Mom made it for me so that I can sleep better. I have a very active mind. It comes with the ADHD. Soon, I drift off to a peaceful sleep.


Hey there! Thanks for reading my book. Feel free to comment and such. Remember, this is a SAFE space. I accept constructive criticism but NOT pettiness. Keep in mind that this is an xoc book, NOT an xreader. I put A TON of work into my OC, AJ Caswell alone so even though it's first person POV, this is AJ'S life.

Thanks a ton for reading!


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