Gabriel x Reader

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You tapped your foot nervously.

It was either now or never. Preferably now. You had, after all, worn the skirt on purpose when you were normally a jeans-only kinda gal. Plus, just imagining what his reaction would be...well, it made your insides quiver in anticipation.

A part of you felt somewhat bad for what you were about to do. Gabriel had been nothing but sweet and attentive to both you and your body. Considering the nature of your relationship, he gave you a lot more respect than most of the people you went to school with for thirteen years did.

On the other hand, he'd also been ignoring you as of late. And while his position as the school janitor couldn't exactly allow him the opportunity to kiss you senseless in the middle of a hallway, it did make you feel just the slightest bit...used.

Not to say the sex wasn't great. It was mind blowing. You'd been with one other person before Gabriel and you honestly couldn't even remember the first guy's name. Something that made Gabriel ridiculously proud.

So, yes, the sex and heavy groping in between classes and the thrill of having to bite into his shoulder to keep the entire school from hearing just what kind of naughty activity you were up to, was enough to make you die a happy girl. And anytime you felt yourself getting weirded out by the fact that your senior year accomplishment was being the fuck buddy of the school janitor, you recalled that Kurt Cobain was once a janitor before joining Nirvana. You don't know why, but that thought was extremely comforting.

Recently, however, Gabriel had been avoiding you. No usual eye contact. No cleaning the area next to your locker (it was now perhaps the shiniest part of the whole school). Not even a note inside your locker to suggest what time you should meet up before and after school.

It wouldn't have bothered you that much if he didn't sever all contact with you so abruptly. And anytime you tried seeking him out, he'd be mysteriously absent.

You tried telling yourself initially that it didn't matter. You two were just screwing around. It wasn't a relationship and he was there to relieve the stress that this last month of school and all the ones before it, was suffocating you with. Your parents expected your grades to be kept up and to not submit to the common case of senioritis (where you basically say fuck it and stop caring).

But after nearly four weeks of not even so much as a flirtatious wink in your direction, you were beginning to realize it'd been more than just the sex you were craving. There was a strange sense of companionship you got with him that you didn't feel with any of your other friends. He was witty and cheesy and had a sense of humor that made the sex comfortable and playful. You two had first hit it off not by immediately jumping into each other's pants, but by bantering outside of the school at the beginning of the year over how to best vandalize the 50-year old statue of the school's founder. There weren't many people you could do that with.

Which was why your actions were necessary. A month of no sex, not even a sign of acknowledgement, and you were ready to do something drastic. Your feelings may very well be one-sided, but if they were, it'd be a relief to finally know. And to show that bastard what it was he was missing!

Smacking your cherry glossed lips, you tugged the skirt up just a little higher, releasing a deep breath. From the corner of your eye, you saw Gabriel changing the trash bags. It was one of the rare times you were able to see him stand still for more than a few seconds before fleeing the area, usually because he could detect you were around.

On the other side of the hallway, just a little bit nearer to you, stood Ray and a group of his friends, perched against the lockers. Ray was an incredibly intelligent, albeit notoriously arrogant guy a year below you who wasn't bad on the eyes. Earlier in the year, you kindly shot his advances down, though you'd heard he hadn't stopped carrying a torch for you despite having gone through a good portion of the freshman female population with the same way a secretary files papers.

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