Castiel x Reader

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You knew something was off.

From the moment the maroon and gold lights struck you - Dean had been shouting to get down - you knew there was something not quite right.

This mess had all started with a rumor earlier in the day from Garth. Supposedly, there was a witch in full combat mode with a rogue wizard in Alletville, Wisconsin while at the same time, a Djinn was at work with the local teenager population. The body count for both was starting to get suspicious and frankly, a bit worrying. You didn't know what was up with the town to get such an assault of the supernatural, but if someone didn't step in soon, there wouldn't me much of a population left.

Thus entered Team Free Will.

The four of you decided on handling the problem by splitting up so the cases got done quicker. The less attention toward Alletville, the better.

Well, actually, Dean had decided to handle the problem this way and you'd protested (to which Sam agreed). Splitting up might leave room for something to go wrong. Putting forth your full attention on each case together could guarantee that the jobs would get done with less complication and decrease their mortality rate.

Plus, you didn't know how to put it into words yet that separating this time around just felt like the wrong move. It was an instinct that your years as a hunter taught you not to shrug off.

Unfortunately, Cas had been torn during the debate, as he usually was when it came to disagreements between yourself and Dean.

To be fair, they'd known each other far before you had come into the picture. So, Cas had every reason to take Dean's side.

It was just that...sometimes, it stung, never having Castiel to back you up during a disagreement with Dean. Especially since you and the angel had been sharing a bed nearly every single night for the past six months.

That had to mean something, didn't it?

This time around, as you observed your barren surroundings, you thought you had the right to take it just a little bit personally. If the split up never happened (you with Dean, Cas with Sam) maybe getting caught in between the wizard and witch's spell could have been avoided and you wouldn't have been sent to wherever the hell you were now.

Just as briefly as this thought invaded, you dismissed it. Complaining and placing blame wasn't going to get you anywhere. Right now, it was a matter of survival and figuring out how you were going to get out of this mess. Maybe later, you could scold Dean, but now, it was time to put on your big girl panties and deal with the problem at hand.

Carefully, you began a slow walk, neck craning up to observe the dark sky. The moon was one large, luminescent eye above - rounder and fuller than you'd ever seen it, free of any lingering clouds. Stars - incredible clusters of them - marred the sky, more than you remember ever seeing before. You'd read in a textbook once that it usually took about twenty minutes for the naked eye to properly adjust to the actual amount of stars in the sky. You hadn't even been in this place for five minutes and already, you were seeing more than you ever had before. What did that mean?

As you inhaled the strangely fresh air, your thoughts wandered back to Dean. He'd managed to duck quicker than you when the spells had been released, but was he holding his own against the duo despite your untimely disappearance? You hoped he wouldn't try to be difficult and just call Cas if he needed help.

This train of thought inspired more indecisive ones.

Should you call Cas? Not call him? Would he have helped Dean by this point? Was Dean alright? Did Cas and Sam defeat the Djinn in time?

It was the unnatural quietness that finally swayed you.

You'd been gradually approaching a heavily wooded area for fifteen minutes straight without a clear plan in your head. It was time you tried calling Cas, even if nothing came of it. Hopefully, he'd have met up with Dean by now and could answer your call.

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