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lil.zb: guess who

maya.hartt - idk who that is

friarlucas - @maya.hartt me neither who is she 

joshhua.m - @friarlucas idk she's gorgeous tho

topianga - See you all tomorrow!

topianga - See you all tomorrow!

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maya.hartt: EWWW ITS @friarlucas 🤢

friarlucas - ew what are you doing here maya 🌚

thelonggame - qts

- maya's pov -


zayyyy - y'all @ the hotel ?


smiley☀️ - I'm literally in love the food's so nice here

me - sunshine why don't you just stay at your parents house

smiley☀️ - Josh, Ava and Auggie r there, no room😔

mutton bustin' heehaw - maya i'm coming over

me - no you're not i'm about to get a shower

mutton bustin' heehaw - too bad 🥰

me - ok fine wait 2 mins

dora the explora - Farkle and I are stuck in traffic🫤 

zayyyy - uh oh

me - its alr the hotel receptions open until like um 11?

dora the explora - Ok 👍🏻

me - does any1 know where josh is?

smiley☀️ - I'll give him a call now, he might be at my parents' already xo

me - thanks bby 🩷

mutton bustin' heehaw

open the door




open the door

open the doorrrr


                                           my bad

                                      im coming 


"Took you long enough" Lucas rolled his eyes.

"Sorryyyy," I say, swinging the door open and enveloping him in a hug. After the show ended, he was the only one I really stayed in contact with. Yes, me and Riley were still best friends, but we hadn't met up in years. And after Lucas and Riley broke up, it was a little awkward for me, having to be stuck between them. But it worked out alright in the end, and the two exs are friends again, I think.

"Heard from Joshua?" asked Lucas.

I made a noise. We'd interacted through Instagram comments, but there were never any direct messages involved. 

The fans all thought there was something going on, but I honestly didn't know. I saw him about a year after Girl Meets World was cancelled, and except for that? Nothing. Nil. Zilch. I really hoped it wouldn't be awkward tomorrow, but that was a stretch.

"I'm gonna take that as a no," said Lucas, lying down on my bed. 


"I was asking if you'd spoken to Josh, remember? You still like him, don't you?"

"Of course I do. I'm in it for the long game," I said, quoting the words I said to him over 4 years ago.

"Isn't that like..now?"

"How do you mean?" I asked, stupidly.

"Like..the end of the 'long game'. Wasn't it referring to tomorrow?"

Shit. He was right. If we still felt something for the other, the next time we met would be the decider. I hadn't gone a day without thinking of Josh, but I'm not sure he could say the same for me.

"Yeah, I guess. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. Okay I really need a shower, wait here. The TV has Netflix, make yourself at home. There's stuff in the fridge, and there's chips in the cabinet next to it," I tell Lucas, grabbing a towel from the end of the bed.


"Guess what!" says Lucas when I come out of the bathroom 15 minutes later. 

"Oh no," I sigh, reaching for my hairbrush.

"You know that stupid news website? They've not got any updates on us today. Only something about there being trouble in paradise."

"Oh? For who?" I ask.

"Jessie and Tony Chiccolini. Rumoured divorce," he tells me, scanning his phone screen.

"Poor souls. I hate that website. Who gives a fuck about the stuff it puts out on the internet? It's our business, not the public's. Plus, nine times out of ten, it's fake." 

The last part of my rant referred to one of the latest articles on CelebriTEA. It talked about me and Josh being a rumoured couple. Give me a break. I doubt he'll even come near me tomorrow.

"Yeah, honestly. It's insane how much these people will believe," Lucas muttered, scrolling through the online article. 

"Close your eyes," I say, reaching for a white tank top and tartan pyjama pants.

"Ugh, okay." 

Lucas closed his eyes as I got dressed, and I hurried to put my clothes on.

"Kay. Open," I say, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my soaked hair before climbing into the hotel bed.

"Hey, um, Maya, I'm gonna go back to my room. I'm super tired. Long journey forreal. I'll see you tomorrow morning?"

I glanced up at Lucas as he got up from the bed and began to walk towards the door. 

"Yeah, yeah. Okay. See you."

He left the room and I sighed, leaning into my pillow. 

Almost immediately, my eyes dropped shut and I fell into a somewhat dreamless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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