1: There was a caught

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POV: Maya

Surrounded by a life blended with misfortune, I faced one of my worst fears as I came face to face with his brown eyes after he opened his closet.

Look who we have here!" He whispered with a smirk on his lips.
I don't know which was more awkward: the fact that I had been caught stealing bread in the royal chamber or that the person who caught me was standing right in front of me naked.

"Please, please...
spare me, don't tell, I'll do as you say, I promise!" I found myself crying, trying not to make any sound.
I had just been caught stealing; if he gives me up, I'll be done for.

"Sounds tempting, but what could you possibly offer me?" he asked with amusement.

"My Alpha, is everything okay in there?" A random servant called out, making me nod my head continuously at him.
I hope he doesn't tell.

My heart skipped a beat as he unexpectedly closed the walls of his wardrobe on me.
Sweat sprouted on my forehead and the back of my neck while I waited for time to play its role.

"Yes, everything is fine.
I need everyone out of the chamber, please!" He ordered, and I let out a breath of relief.

"Thank you, Alpha Aiden," I said as I stepped out of his wardrobe.
The air was clear now, and I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful designs and architecture.

"So, what is it you have to offer?" His question brought my attention back to the youngest heir of the Machu throne, who now had a robe on.

"I am still a virgin," I confessed, and I could see the fire of desire instantly kindle in his eyes.

Location: McDonald's Swim Stadium, California


Anxiety filled me as I pressed my eyelids together.
This had to be the moment, I had to win this!

Out of twenty contestants in the Miss California fashion show, I had to be the winner.
I was superior to these humans.

As the bright lights flooded the stage, illuminating every corner of the vast auditorium, the anticipation was palpable.

The murmurs of the excited audience grew softer as the dazzling host's voice echoed through the microphone, sending a shiver down my spine.
This was it, the moment I had dreamt of and worked tirelessly for - the Miss California competition.

With my heart pounding in my chest, I took a deep breath and stepped forward.
Gliding across the stage with elegant grace, I searched the crowd with hopeful eyes.
I felt as though they were all cheering for me alone.
I deserved this triumph.
I was going to win this.

Closing my eyes for a brief moment, I could almost hear my mentor's encouraging voice whispering in my ear, reminding me of all our hard work, our late-night practices, and our unwavering determination.

As the seconds ticked by, the silence became deafening.
The anticipation reached its peak, as if time itself had held its breath.

My mind raced, envisioning my name being called, the confetti raining down, the crown being placed upon my trembling head.
I could taste the satisfaction of victory on the tip of my tongue.

But then, a piercing voice broke the silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the winner of Miss California..." The anticipation hung in the air as a name was announced.
However, it wasn't mine.

A wave of disbelief washed over me.
My blue eyes shot open, wide with shock, as I struggled to comprehend what had just happened.
The world around me blurred, as if reality had shifted beneath my feet.

How could this be? The crowd erupted into a cacophony of cheers and applause, drowning out my inner turmoil.

I bit my lip, fighting back tears and forcing a smile.
Stepping aside mechanically, I took my place just a step away from the other contestants, my heart aching with a mixture of disappointment and confusion.
This was not how it was supposed to end.
Not after everything I had given, not after every sacrifice made.
Not after SHE believed in me.

My palms grew clammy, my once-steady breaths now shallow and uneven.
Faking composure, I tried to maintain my poise as the cameras flashed, capturing my disappointment for the world to see.
As the finalist a step away from me basked in the glory, I felt like a ghost - a specter on the stage, invisible and forgotten.

Amidst the applause and jubilation, I glanced at my mentor standing at the back.
Their faces were a mosaic of emotions, celebrating the victory, just not mine but that of the winner, my friend, my colleague, Bella Baiti.

My eyes locked with my girlfriend, who was also my mentor, silently acknowledging the bond we shared.
Though I hadn't claimed the coveted title, the proud smile on her face whispered a different story. Did she still believe in me?

As Miss California 2021 took her first triumphant steps, the crowd roared their approval, and with me being the first runner-up, I fought to keep my composure.
Deep down, I knew that tonight was not the end.

The stage might have betrayed me for now, just like Aiden did, but my journey was far from finished.

LOCATION: MACHU (Somewhere in north America)

Aiden gazed out of his bedroom window, his golden eyes reflecting his inner turmoil.
He was a bratty royal Alpha, born into royalty, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from his life.

As one of the many heirs to the pack, he was expected to follow the rigid traditions and norms set by his family and pack.
He found this to be ridiculous.
The idea of finding his purpose in the pack seemed like an impossible feat, as none of the traditional roles resonated with his true ambitions.

Each day, Aiden felt increasing weariness, a soul-deep exhaustion from pretending to be someone he was not.
The endless cycle of dominance and submission no longer held any appeal.
He knew deep in his heart that his destiny couldn't be confined within the boundaries of pack life.

Determined to break free from the chains of tradition, Aiden devised a daring plan.
He would elope to the human world, leaving behind everything and everyone he once knew.

It was a decision that filled him with both excitement and dread, for he understood the dire consequences that awaited him.
In Machu, leaving the pack was considered the ultimate betrayal, punishable by death.

As the moon rose high in the night sky, Aiden made his way to the pack's secret library, where forbidden knowledge lay hidden among ancient tomes for the umpteenth time.

He meticulously researched human customs, blending in tactics, and ways to conceal his true identity.
Aiden's heart would flutter with anticipation each time he got information; this was bringing him a chance to find meaning in a world beyond the pack.

Late into the night, surrounded by the musty scent of books, Aiden laid out the intricate pieces of his escape plan.
After months of designing his plan, he was set to go.

Departure, however, would not be easy.
No one could ever cross the boundaries of Machu alive.
Besides, he knew that the moment his absence was discovered, the pack would be relentless in their pursuit, hunting him down with a fervor fueled by their anger and betrayal.

But Aiden was willing to go to any lengths for the chance at a life of his own choosing.
He was tired of living in the memories of guilt and betrayal.
He would defy traditions, abandon his rank, and venture into the unknown, all in pursuit of a purpose that he believed he could only find in the human world.

As the first rays of dawn began to cast a faint glow on the horizon, Aiden took one last look at his chamber, his heart heavy with both sorrow and anticipation.
The room held memories of lust, betrayal, and innocence.

With a resolve that burned deep within him, he packed his meager belongings and made his way to the edge of the Machu territory, ready to embrace the uncertain path that lay ahead.

"Aiden," he heard a voice whisper as he made his way to trespass the borders.

"We are coming with you."

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