4: Mafia's daughter

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My wolf whispered with dissatisfaction as I took my sixth shot of tequila in a row. My phone vibrated amidst the disco noise in the bar. I didn't even want to know who it was.

The only person I ever grew to ever love and feel safe with was making new priorities over me and I couldn't just handle it.

"Hi pretty," A man approached me. I've been getting hit on all night and my patience to tolerate their lust towards me was decreasing. I just wanted to exist in my misery, I didn't want to receive any attention.

"Heldi Wek, right?" The man wriggled his brows now as he found himself a place to sit besides me knowingly gracing my bare shoulder in the process. Irritatedly I spat the harsh liquid in my mouth on his shirt. So what if I was Heldi Wek?

"Oh sorry," I faked an apology watching before giggling at his irritated face. I watched his face turn rageful as he put his hand in a fist. Maybe I needed to be taught a lesson, I turned my gaze away waiting for my brain to process the jolt of pain I was about to receive.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that, you know." A feminine voice warned and for a moment I wished it was Sasha, but it wasn't her.  I forced a tear back before biting my lips. My company backed up slowly and I could detect the fear in his movement as he walked away in surrender.

Turning to face where the voice was from, my heart skipped a bit at the group in all black with a female in their midst. The rest had their weapons directed at the man that just left. She walked gracefully towards me as I swirled the content in my glass cluelessly. What was this about?

The lady was dressed in just casual leather pant and a jacket. Her neck was inked, I wonder if the rest of her body was too. She had the most beautiful doe eyes I've ever come across. Her face held intimidation and asserted dominance. Her hair was nearly packed in a low bun.

"You're literally tearing my clothes off my body right now," She spoke with a much friendly voice as she smirked while finding herself a seat in front of me. I blinked a couple of times before looking away embarrassed.

Wanting to blur everything, I hated that I was still very much conscious, I took another shot squinting my eyes but as soon as I felt it reach my stomach, I felt the liquid begin to reverse in a snap. This made me cover my mouth with both hands as tightly as I could before making my way to the toilet.

I fell on my knees in front of the toilet bowl and my stomach began to expel the content through my mouth. I struggled with my wavy hair that was continuing to fall across my face while I felt the need to hold my chest at the same time. Luckily I felt my hair gently held back by someone as they squatted beside me before patting my back.

It was her, She came after me. The lady in with the black leather jacket.

I sat on the floor while I tried to catch my breath.
"Are you okay?" She asked after flushing down the mess.
"Ye_yes" I stammered before letting tears freely flow down my cheeks.

"Okay, I am not good around people crying you know," She revealed awkwardly.
"Are you sure you don't want to pick this call? The person keeps calling repeatedly."

"I don't want to," I said between sobs before I tried to get on my feet.
"Why do you have my phone?" I yelled irritatedly before I snatched it away from her grip.

"Woah," She exclaimed, surprised at my gesture. With that I went to turn the tap on to wash my face. My foundation was in place, but my mascara and liner was smudged. I have always wanted to be a witch but not like this. I burst into more tears again before I felt a light tap on my shoulders. She was still following my trail.

"Heidi Wek," She smirked at me while holding the side of my chin. I lightly slapped her hands off my face, making her fake a hurt reaction.

"You're not picking your calls and you look like a hot mess. Can I take care of you tonight?" She snaked her hand around my waist pulling me into. I couldn't help but be lost in her strange eyes.



My eyes bulged as Jake unveiled the truth about Aria.
"Bro, you say what?!"

"She is the daughter of Melano, one of the strongest gang leader in Mexico. I still cannot believe you came face to face with him in his house!!!" Jake stressed while I maintained my shocked expression.

"You mean we get to roll with the bad guys in the human world, mann!! That's superb!!" I rejoiced but Cory had something more important to say.

"How did you know this much about them?" He asked carefully, trying to ignore my own expression while Jake nodded his head at me.
"We were supposed to stay out of trouble by all means!"

"C'mon on pussy, we are not doing anything yet," I ruffle Cory's curls before spanking the back of his head.  He turned to show me how unimpressed before giving Jake a death glare making him immediately contain his laughter.

"If we really wanted to be part of the bad guys, we could have as well stayed at Machu, you know." Cory spoke again. He was really taking the situation deep.

"Look, I had to what I had to do, to earn for us." Jake defended.

"Ma made sure we had more than enough gold coin!" Cory argued back.

"So we are supposed to stay idle till we are out of it?!"

"Atleast we would not be potentially in a position to roll with bad guys."

"Enough, enough guys, c'mon!!"  I chipped in.
"Jake, you're quiting that stuff and I promise not to meet Aria again!"

Jake huffed before walking away muttering something under the lines of "big joke."
I shook my head before relaxing back at the couch. Cory was right, we have no reason to mingle with bad guys. We eloped Machu for a purpose and we were going to live that purpose.

To be free, to pursue ambitions and not to be rogues.

I closed my eyes in anticipation to relax my nerves but a few seconds later Cory began to cough and I opened my eyes to check on him. The room was cloudy and I could hear clicks in the background.

"The one with the white shirt," a voice instructed, making my eyes bulge at the realization that we were being attacked.

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