Chapter 5

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I stretch my limbs and yawn as I wake up but immediately regret stretching as a sharp pain in my shoulder makes itself known, making me pull my limbs inwards. Right, I got shot and stabbed a while ago. It's difficult to tell time when you’re underground, speaking of underground, looks like I’m in a containment cell. Reinforced glass to my left and a door in front of me, locked I assume.
I carefully studied my wounds and figured out that I got shot in the left shoulder and stabbed in the chest. The gunshot wound looks to have healed naturally while the stab wound is stitched up. Otherwise I’m perfectly fine. That body armor saved me. I would’ve been worse off had I not taken it. Looks like they took all my gear before moving me in here.
So is there nothing to do? I guess I can catch a conversation or two through the wall while I’m here, not like there is anything else better to do. Well there so happens to be a conversation going on through the glass. I laid down and focused on the conversation.

“-should be happening soon, after that we’ll have this thing off our- is it watching us?” Yes, yes I am watching you, go on.

“It is probably just looking at us because it is hearing noise, after all, every instance of 939 is blind as has been confirmed many times before.” As much as I wanted to interject I kept my mouth shut.

“Alright, so why are we keeping it here instead of just terminating it now?” Keep talking, I’m curious.

“No reason has been given but there’s been a rumor going around that this instance of SCP-939 we have here apparently saved an MTF or two from both a Chaos Insurgent and the Plague Doctor but of course rumors are just rumors. It could be fake.” As much as you want to believe those rumors are fake they are real. You’ll know soon enough.

“Crazier things have happened, I don’t exactly doubt it.” Well to be fair this is a universe where guns transform people into bullets and candy bowls cut off your hands if you take more than two pieces.

“I absolutely doubt it. SCP-939 and its offspring are considered Keter for a reason, it’s also why there are no voice recognition devices at any facilities where instances of SCP-939 are contained. We had to remove the voice recognition from this cell entirely to make sure it doesn’t kill somebody and uses their voice to get out.” The only person I remember killing is that MTF who turned out to be Chaos Insurgency.

“Yeah, makes sense. Also, weren't we supposed to restrain it before it woke up?” They were supposed to restrain me? You guys are either terrible at your job or the procrastination rock is doing its job.

“No, we’re supposed to get a D-Class to do it. Why would we risk our own lives when we can risk the lives of others?” If anyone made a tutorial on how to be selfish this guy would be the person that you go to.

It was then I realized that beyond SCP: Containment Breach I don't know what wil happen after, since in the game nothing happens after the endings really. It's left mostly ambiguous.

Minutes later the door to my cell opened and a D-Class came in. I let the D-Class approach to cuff me, the cuffs are connected by a short chain. I’ve never been cuffed before so this’ll be a new experience for me, though I don’t expect it to be a nice one. 
As I expected, being cuffed isn’t the best experience. The cuffs were placed on a little tight and I can’t adjust them myself so I’m gonna have to deal with it.
I didn’t have to stand up at least, they were placed on me while I laid down which made it easier for me because the D-Class took their sweet time.

I tried to go to sleep when I realized that I don’t have eyes to close, and without eyes I can’t have eyelids, and without eyelids I can’t blink. That means as long as I look at SCP-173 and never look away I'm immune because no blinking.
I suppose I’ll just lay here until sleep takes over, that or something else happens.

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