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Atlanta, GA October 17thSaturday

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Atlanta, GA
October 17th

🎶I have a rock to cling to in the storm
When no one can hear me calling🎶

Lovers rock by Sade played upon opening the door of the sunroom, belonging to Ailani and Skylar's grandparents' one-story residential home.

"Hi Pappy! Hi Gogo!," Ailani cheerfully greeted, seeing her grandparents seated at the glass roundtable–each having a plate of food in front of them. Aisha–her Gogo furrowed her arched eyebrows a tad bit seeing her granddaughter

"Hi sweetie, I didn't hear the ring doorbell going off, how did you get inside?" She wondered, having a graceful smile displayed over her plump lips.

"I was going to ask Pappy because it didn't chime or anything when I came in," Lani stated as she walked around the table to where they were seated "Unjani ntokazi engiyithandayo? (How are you, my favorite lady?)" She kissed her cheek before greeting her Pappy–Maalik with a kiss on his cheek as well.

"Ngenza okumangalisayo, ngiyabonga ngokubuza, (I'm doing amazing, thank you for asking,)" Aisha beamed, watching Ailani sit down in the empty seat across the table from them. "Did a notification come up on your phone about the doorbell being offline?" She asked, looking over at her husband.

He shook his head no "I unplugged it last night," Maalik carelessly shrugged his shoulder before placing the fork of his garden salad in his mouth.

Ailani couldn't help but laugh at her Gogo scrunched-up facial expression "You did that because? Why didn't you plug it back up this morning?" She genuinely questioned in confusion.

Grabbing the napkin from the side of his plate, he wiped his mouth first before speaking "It was a damn bug all in the camera. It kept goin' off because the bug wouldn't leave. I was supposed to plug it back this morning but it slipped my mind," He replied with his explanation, smiling over at his wife who couldn't do anything but shake her head. "I was going to plug it back baby, I promise," He chuckled.

Aisha shook her head again. "But you can wake me up at the ass crack of dawn to help you clean some red snapper fish?" She rebuttal a question.

"Waking her up to clean a fish that early is crazy Pappy," Ailani teased, making Maalik smack his lips.

"Yo' Gogo is lying. She woke up on her own after I woke up. She wanted to help me gut and clean the fish because she didn't want to sit in the room alone while I did it," He explained, looking over at his wife–waiting for her to deny anything he was saying. Aisha attempted to surpass her smile, turning her attention downwards to her plate. "If I didn't do all that this morning, you would be starving right now for lunch," He confidently nodded his head.

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