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Jigi stared at him as his smirk grew by the minute. Jigi huffed and crossed her arms. She heard a hearty chuckle and she blushed at her embarrassment.

She stalked off feeling annoyed with herself for admiring his smoothness on the ice and mesmerising routine.

She wandered back onto the streets, stamping her feet in every gait with frustration. She felt frosty air on her face and she huffed out mist.

She made turns in corners till she arrived at the edges of a cold lake with a thin layer of ice. She stumbled backwards.


Warning substance abuse and near death situations*****

"Père!" ,Jigi screamed racing away from the her bedroom as soon as she heard her father crack open the door.

Her father lifted Jigi onto his arms. Her mother peeked into the door. Her neck was slightly bruised purple but she had a scarf around it.

"Clean up, Georgette. You'll be learning to ice stake, today." Her father announced and she squealed. She run to her wardrobe and pulled out a dark maroon dress and brown leather boots and place her black winter jacket on it. She was set. Wait!, one more. She put her blonde locks into two pigtails.

She raced downstairs to her the living room. She strides into the kitchen and she didn't see or hear her parents. She strides again on the stairs. She slowed down when she heard muffled sounds.

"Maman?" She heard nothing. The muffled sound seemed to stop.

"Père?" She called out again and she heard the her parents door crack open and her mother walk out wipe her tears and she managed a smile.

"Maman, are you crying?" Jigi innocently asked.

"No, I have got dust in my eyes." She responded lightly shoving her downstairs.

"Maman are you lying to me? You said to always be honest." Jigi continued to probe.

"I-I- weren't you looking for daddy? Aren't you excited to skate?" Her mother tried to change the subject.

" Yes! I can't wait." She smiled and her mother sighed as Jigi gazed shifted to the staircase. Her father descended huffing a cloud of smoke in every step.

" Ready to go?" He asked and Jigi screamed a big yes. There was happiness dancing in her eyes. She raced up her father and she grabbed her hand and lead her outside, her mother following shortly after.

Jigi's father stamped on his halfway smoked cigarettes and picked his daughter up and placed her in a position where she sat on his spine her tiny legs clammed around his neck. He stabilised her by grabbing each leg with a palm.

Jigi busily chatted away, telling her father her crazy adventures at school. Periodically she involved her mother but she never noticed the wall and the raft between her parents.

Jigi was a troublemaker at school she always tried to get her way. She was very assertive and energetic. She sometimes came out as aggressive and a pest to others.

She enjoyed classes where she would bake. She loved her father very much she really wanted to be like him. She wanted to somehow work with him at the bakery.

She arrived at the edges of the lake and Jigi began to remove her boots and she placed her skates on. She pulled her mother on the ice and she stumbled. The hyper and exciting nature of Jigi made her mother genuinely smile and happy skate with her.

Jigi's confidence grew and she wandered off on her own.

" Be careful! Jigi!" Her mother, Claudine, howled in the wind.

Jigi skipped on the ice a full toothy grin on her face. The cold air and wind slapped and drumming her face.

She halt feeling and hearing a crack sound. Jigi slow looked down to her feet and saw the split. She called out for her parents.

"Père! Maman!" She tried to turned backwards.

" Juniper! Stay where you are!" Her mother yelled pure fear in her brown eyes and shaky voice. Her black hair flagged in the wind and her father who was leaning against the tree, huffing and puffing, stood at the edge.

Her father couldn't skate. Her mother was paralysed by fear. The ice suddenly broke and gravity pulled Jigi into the dark, cold, hellish lake. The shock of the cold caused Jigi to gobble  the water.  Jigi flapped her hand in the water trying to grip something. It was slowly filling her lungs. She felt like there tiny pins in her lungs. She was giving in.

Strong arms pulled Jigi out of her misery. Her father had managed to crawl on the ice to his daughter out of the frozen lake.

Her mother managed to call emergency services. Her father pressed his daughter against trying to use his body warmth to warm her up.

Jigi was going in and out of consciousness the entire way to the hospital. She was fighting to see the light. Jigi was hospitalised for two weeks. She was discharged two day to Christmas.

She would never go back to the water again.


Jigi managed to stand up from the ground after reliving that memory again. She stands to her feet and saunters home.

She has jobs application to fill. She walks into her apartment and grabbs her laptop. She place microwave popcorn into the microwave.

Jigi opens the oven quickly enough so she doesn't hear that annoying beeping sound the microwave makes after it completes a tasks.

She sit on the sofa and pop a popcorn into her mouth,  click the space bar and the movie Freelancer begins.
Thanks for reading lovelies.

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