Chapter 14

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Hi Everyone,

So a lot of stuff happens in this chapter... its one of the reasons why it's such a long chapter. I was planning on splitting it up, but figured it's better as one chapter.

Let me know what you think 


Steph ;)



Is this my life? To be given something then have it snatched away in a blink of an eye? Is this the great plan the universe has in store for me?

I hit the surface, disrupting the serenity, splashing water all over the floor.

I sank to the ground, pulling my knees to my chest and rocked back and forth. I thought about the dream about the butterfly. We help it, saved it even. That butterfly lived a long time before it eventually died. Stilling I realized that this situation was similar… Jake was the broken butterflies that just needed a little help.

I stood up with a new determination, I needed to find him, but first I needed to find a cure for him. I won’t let them take him from me; I won’t sit back and let them win. All I knew was that my brother, no matter what he was, was still my brother and he was still alive and as long as he lives there was hope and as long as I have access to that damned clinic I have a chance to save him... bring him back.


Chapter 14

I rushed to my room and grabbed some comfortable black clothes and my ballet flats. One thing about those shoes was that it was quiet and comfortable, and quiet and comfortable was what I need to be. I showered to get the sweat and sadness off me and dressed in my clothes. I grabbed a black hair tie and tied my hair into a ponytail and quickly ran downstairs to the closet to check if my swords were on their usual place, but they weren’t. I hope someone remembered to grab them before we left the crash site.

I rushed to the basement, and went down the stairs. I grabbed the hand wraps and began wrapping my hands up as I walked over to where we stored our weapons. Before pushing the concealing board away I finished up wrapping my hands, my motion a blur from doing it so often.

I pushed the boards away and found nothing… shit. They must have left it in the woods. I’ll just have to get it.

I turned and was at the bottom of the stairs just about to climb when I saw Hunter standing at the top.

“Looking for these?” He asked, his voice was back and he was fully healed. I guess I wasn’t the only one whose power was growing.

“Hand them over. You’re not stopping me Hunter.”

“As if I ever could. I’m still recovering my bruised ego from the last time I tried.” He snorted then tossed me my swords and said in all seriousness, “I’m coming with.”

“You don’t have to, he is my brother. I need to do this.”

“He is my brother too Emma. I will help you, just let me put on something more suitable, and then we can go over a plan in the car.”

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