Chapter 20

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"Who's all joining?"

"Everyone except for my mom and Rose."

"How is your mom doing?" Just realizing that I hadn't seen his mom in a while.

"Not good sunshine... not good." He said and I got a wave of sadness, the last time I had gotten this intense emotion from him was when his dad had died.

"She'll be okay Hunter." I said trying to believe in my own words.

He gave a short nod and a tight lipped smile and walked on without a word.

I looked back one last time, taking a deep breath as I did. Jake was gone, but I still had Hunter. Tomorrow we hunt Heather, but today I bury the past.


Chapter 20

We drove in silence each caught up in our own turmoil of thoughts, mine was of this evenings events, Hunter's? Who knows, but whatever it was, he was sending out an array of mixed emotions, but the most dominant emotions were sadness and doubt... I had no idea what he doubted and I wasn't in the mood to ask.

I had shifted back to my human form when we were at the car and changed into a clean pair of clothes, that we've always kept in the car as a spare in case of an involuntary shift.

Suddenly he sighed loudly, lowering the volume of the radio and pulled out his phone, hitting a speed dial number that I couldn't see. I waited to see who he was calling, and when the person answered I recognized Nathan's voice.

"Hunter, everything okay? Were just finishing up here."

"Nathan every things good, before you and Ryan leave, can you guys comb the area near the cave? Snow dropped her necklace, probably when she shifted." He asked while looking at me, I felt my mood immediately brighten. I heard Nathan's muted reply, "The silver snowflake pendant?"

"Yea that's the one. Try and find it will you, but don't go in the cave and try to not take too long. I'll fill you in when you get to the house on what was missed."

"Will do." Then they hung up.

"Thank you Hunter, you have no idea what that means to me." I said with a smile. 

"Oh I have some idea." He said giving me a sad smile, then faced forward and signed.

"Listen Sunshine. The way I acted back there-"

"It's okay Hunter."

"No it's not. I was scared and seeing you... like that, under a hellhounds jaws... I realized that I could've lost you, and when you were okay, I've kind of gotten angry, mostly at myself for not better protecting you. I know that you aren't used to taking orders let alone being in a pack, and I knew that you were up to something... I just..." He trailed and sighed,

"I wasn't mad with you, I was mad at myself and I took it out on you. Does that make sense?"

"Sort of. Although I wouldn't blame you if you were mad at me. What you said back there... it was right, and I have others depending on me now... I have responsibilities and I won't be the weak link in the pack" I said kind of understanding what he was getting at.

"Sunshine... I didn't meant that. You aren't a weak link, and I'm sorry for saying that."

"It's ok." I said, but in the back of my mind I couldn't shake the anger of being collared. I hate being collared and I noticed Hunter nervously glancing over at me.

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