I. Tree-hug.

149 1 12

"Leg! Leg!!!" Your trainer yells at you with all her might as you approach the log, holding the reins tightly in your hands. You do as told, and the horse under you jumps over the obstacle.

As soon as you land, you look up, pulling the reins down, slowing down to an energetic trot, before turning the horse around to meet your trainer. She doesn't look happy with what you're showing today.

"No, no, you can't do it like that!" She exclaims, walking up to you, grabbing your calve, pressing it against the side of the horse, causing the dark brown animal to start squirming nervously, throwing his head up. 
"Like this! You need to add pressure, he won't read your goddamn mind!" She growls.

"We're not feeling the best today, maybe we should try smaller jumps--" You start, but she interrupts you.

"Nah, be quiet. Go, jump it, and don't fuck up." The black haired female steps back, to give you and the equine space. 

You click your tongue, and the horse immediately jumps into a trot, waiting for your command for a faster gait. You, on the other hand, are trying to calm your nerves, and think of a proper approach to the jump.

"Okay, Cicada, you're a good boy, aren't you? You're not gonna kill me yet." You pat the bay horse on the neck, and let him jump into a swift canter. 

The jump gets closer to you faster than you can process it.

"Leg! He's not paying attention!" Your trainer yells.

Cicada squeals, frightened, jumping to the side. He throws his head back, along with his legs kicking up, he goes stumbling back. You tug at the reins, repeating soothing words that you hoped would fix the situation, but all that happens next, is the horse leaps forward, fleeing from the place, with you still on his back.

Pulling at the reins is no help, while the strong, freaked out beast flies down the training field, into a forest. 
You lower yourself along his neck, hoping he will calm down.

"Calm down, you dick!" You beg, only for the gelding to hop to the side, leaving you no time to react, which causes you to get thrown at a tree, hitting it with your chest.

The air is knocked out of your lungs, and as soon as you hit the forest floor, you pass out, the fading sound of Cicada's thudding hoofbeats disappearing into the forest being the last thing your mind registered.


The sound of birds chirping eventually becomes clear, as you lift yourself off the ground. Your head hurts, so does your chest. 
The moment you pull up your shirt to check on yourself, you're met with an ugly bruise along your ribcage. A broken rib, is what you assume.

You get up, huffing and grunting as the overwhelming pain of a broken bone only gets significantly worse.
You look around, hoping to find a path back to the training course, or any signs of your horse.

"Cicada?" You call out, wandering off into the forest. Sound of your own, heavy heartbeat was nearly deafening, and the bright sunlight was hurting your eyes.

A loud, familiar neigh fills the calm forest. You start running in the direction of it, your hands squeezing your chest tightly, trying to minimalize the pain, as you keep running.

The trees lessen before you, opening into a field, with tall, thick grass. Something in the grass however catches your attention. It's crushed, stepped over, just as if a heavy animal ran down this path. It must be that damn horse.

You hear the faintest of sounds of his hoofsteps, though somehow it sounds fake. Still, you follow them, going up the small hill.

Your eyes are met with the sight of a dark, gothic style church, decorated with fancy crosses you've never seen, and pentagrams. Cute. What the fuck have you walked yourself into.

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