Sliders (Part 1)

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Written by EDWIN A. RABBIT

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Krystal stood at a window aboard the Great Fox. Her cheeks puffed beside her muzzle in soft and bubbly curves, and a healthy double chin filled out her lower jaw. Her green-blue eyes gazed out of the window, deep in thought. She raised a small octagon-shaped device to her face and spoke.

"Feedee's log, starweight 356.24. Last week, Faye and Miyu briefed me on a startling arms development on Venom. Apparently, its military has developed a teleportation device small enough to covertly transport one person across the Lylat System onto any planet."

She wore a navy blazer whose buttons barely met over her growing middle. Over the past two years, she had gained a tremendous amount of weight, as signified by the bowl of blubber at her waist. When she was sworn in as Corneria's chief diplomat, her stomach was soft; it had a pleasant squish, but it barely managed a muffin top. Not thin, but still tiny compared to her current size. Now, her gut protruded forward. Her upper belly formed a confident, striking dome. On the other hand, her lower stomach was wider and softer, granting her midsection itself a curved pear shape. Standing, its breadth stuffed the top of her skirt and covered her pelvis and a good portion of her thighs.

"Tensions between Corneria and Venom have intensified in recent years. Venom's leader, Dash Bowman, believes that the planet can only reach prosperity by conquering Corneria. But diplomatic ties between Corneria and Venom have not been completely severed. Not yet."

Her breasts had grown many cup sizes as well. Two years ago, they were hefty, gelatinous orbs with plump cleavage. Now, they were overfull stores of fat that sat broad and round atop her stomach. They spanned much wider than her padded shoulders, and they crested a few inches beyond her belly.

Her arms had joined in, too. Fluffy fur had given way to flabby, jiggly biceps and forearms. Even her wrists and fingers had plumped up, lining her joints delicately with pudge.

"Venom used to be an uninhabitable quagmire of acid and poisonous gases. Years back, Dash Bowman utilized a terraforming device to make the planet friendly to life."

Her hips continued the trend. Krystal had always been shapely, with enticingly curved hips. Over time, their curves had grown denser with adipose. Now, they swept in wide, dazzling contours. Above them, her waist sloped outward on the way down her flanks, from her chest to her haunches, and her lovehandles were thick and tender. At her backside, her rump's dense, wobbling cheeks were packed thick with so much fat that they formed a prominent shelf over her thighs, even as they matched her hips' width. When she was appointed to be secretary of diplomacy, her gams were meaty handfuls with some give. Now, her thighs offered fat that Fox could dig his fingertips into, and her legs showed a modest crease between her thighs and calves.

Granted, her navy skirt hung dignified from the sides of her hips and the back of her derriere, all the way down to the top of her calves. Over her backside, she swung her furry blue tail back and forth slowly, as she often did while thinking.

She stared out of the window at Venom. The planet was cerulean with green landmasses and streaks of white clouds.

"I admire Dash, but he is misguided. We meet today. I hope to improve relations,... or at least to stave off war."

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Last week...

Krystal, Faye, and Miyu stood in the lounge aboard the Great Fox.

Faye the cocker spaniel was downright rotund. Her floppy ears draped over the sides of a face that was laden with layers of pudge, from the round cheeks below her eyes to the hefty roll of neck fat under her jaw.

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