You 💖 and save me ♥️

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Ima say this now I know my grammar sucks especially since half of these are written when I'm balling my eyes out. But I really hope you all like these.


The boy sat on the floor of the classroom. Crying his eyes out. A soft knock sounds from the door as a tall young girl and a short young person walk in. "Are you alright?" Anxiously asked the short person, the boy only shook his head and cried. The tall girl looked at him worriedly as she crouched down. "What happened?" She asked. The boy knew them, they were his friends, the last of their kind. The boy cried and cried wailing about his ex and what he's done to the poor boy. "Oh darling" the tall girl stated as she opened her arms for a hug the boy gladly took it hugging the tall girl and pulling the short person in as well. Them being there meant the world to the boy, even if he knew that his ex would pull something, he wanted to savor this moment for as long as he could. They meant the world to him, and even though the boy didn't know how to show affection. He hoped they could tell.

Save me

A/N This one is very old lol so sorry if it's such a mood shift.

Tw: derealization? Disassociation, trauma, blood, gore? Cannibalism.

The boy sat on his bed, he felt as though he wasn't here, this body wasn't his. He sat and stared at that carpeted floor, the feeling of nausea overtaking him. "I feel wrong?" He asked, looking up at the tall masked shadow that loomed over him. The being spoke no words, staring in silence. "Won't you speak?" Asked the boy as he watched the figure's body twist and bend around the air. The room began to spin and twist, blood seeping from the ceiling as he felt his vomit fill his throat and into his mouth. Coughing and hacking as the blood stained the white carpet, he cried out as fear filled his body. "Be not afraid, my child." Stated the being as it took his face into its shadowy grasp, "I shall protect you" the boy squinted his eyes shut as the warm liquid began to seep beneath him, but as it started to coat his knees and hands he was lifted up. The being took the boy by his neck and held him in the air, "I shall fix you." The being stated as it's mask fell, red glowing eyes stared into the squinting boys eyes it's mouth began to stretch wide open sharp teeth encased his head as his body was bitten in half. Blood splattered everywhere as the beings hands grabbed the rest of his body and stuffed them down its mouth. It stood in the room, the blood filling the floor as it stared, gently placing its mask back on it transformed into that of the boy. Opening the bedroom door it stepped out, living its life as him.

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