Chapter 24: Sea-Sour

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"



After Tori's secretive purchase of the Soju, we went to the counter to pay for our goods. I was trying not to make eye contact with Rijo, who was still perusing the snack section, as I delicately set the Matcha Milk tea on the counter. Sage, however, was examining the instant noodle exhibit with interest.

I glanced at Tori, who was now feigning fascination at the assortment of candy by the counter, while the cashier scanned the items. With a playful twinkle in her eyes, she gave me a sidelong glance and pointed to the four Soju bottles she was hiding in her purse.

I was mouthing all the words to ask along the intense wondering. I couldn't help but wag my head a little, my mind racing with worry. What was Tori going to do? Furthermore, why would she want four Soju bottles?

Sage came to the counter with a bag of mixed snacks and joined me. He raised an eyebrow at me after glancing over the things Tori was purchasing. In response, I shrugged, indicating without speaking that I had no understanding what was going on.

Tori snatched up the bag as soon as the cashier handed us our purchases, being careful to keep it hidden. She exclaimed, "Let's go! Or if you don't want, I'll go," and led the group out of the convenience shop.

We were followed by Rijo, who appeared unaware of the whole thing and was still carrying a pack of chips. His curiosity was obvious as he said, "What did you guys get?"

"Just some snacks and drinks," Sage said nonchalantly, but Tori's expression had a sneaky smile on it.

Sage seemed to be getting along with Rijo now that he said he'd do it. I didn't think this was that easy—they should've done this since the day they've met. It would lessen the trouble. Anyway, I'm kind of happy to see them talking to each other now and not having a war with each other.

With every step we took on our way back to the camp, the stress mounted. Although Tori was not very good at hiding her excitement, I couldn't help but be curious and anxious about what was ahead for us.

Tori paused after we were out of sight of curious eyes and took the hidden Soju bottles out of her purse. "Ta-da!" she cried, pulling out her hidden hoard.

Trying not to look confused, I asked, "Why did you buy that?"

Tori glanced at me. "Well, we're in Baguio, right? The night is young, and it's time for a little adventure!"

Sage laughed as she realized Tori's scheme. "Are we having a little party?"

Tori gave a nod. "Exactly! A little celebration to lighten up the mood. And what better way to do it than with Soju and good company?"

I looked at Rijo; she looked astonished and intrigued by Tori's spontaneous plan, but on top of it, worried. His face pointing at me. After the initial shock subsided, I started to feel nervous—they didn't even try to fit the sense of getting scolded. I mean, we are in a camp full of trainers and coaches. Yes, they don't check up on their trainees, Ms. Aelyza's been neglecting us since she found a greater gossip buddy, but they are still ready to ambush a group of students drinking.

I mean, I haven't even tasted alcohol since birth—if I will be forced to. I can always reject it even if they decided to invite me of some sort. They are all above eighteen so they'll be alright, what even I'm worrying about?

"You'll get pregnant if you drink that," Sage tried grabbing one bottle off her hands, but Tori managed to sway it away. 

"As if, rather than that, I might even get someone pregnant." Sage's expression became salty and turned his attention away. As for me, I was horrified with their conversation. I mean, I get the context of it all but why did they make it so explicit?

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