Chapter Six-

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Changbin helped me off the ground. Careful to not hurt me to much. It did hurt but not badly. Oh how painful it was to walk!

We walked over to the nurses office and Changbin brought me in. "Oh dear! Jisung what happened to you?" The lady asked. The lady, known as Hwasa, was one of the very very few people at the University that like me.

"Some street fighters found me and the rest is pretty self explanatory..." I chuckled awkwardly. She looked at me with sympathy in her eyes.

"I think he may have a broken rib. Can you check?" Changbin asked. That only increased the worry on Hwasa's face.

"Of course. Deary, can you lift your shirt please?" I nodded and carefully lifted my shirt out of my skirt.

She looked at my stomach and there was a really bad bruise that led from the middle of my rib cage down to my belly button.

"Sweet heart that's a really bad bruise. I'll put some ointment on it then we can do some x-rays, okay?" I nodded again and she began to put some ointment over the bruise.

After we were done with the x-rays we found out I indeed have a broken rib. I had to cover my stomach and some of my chest with a bandage and I have to take pain killers every morning and night. I also have to keep an ice pack on it for atleast half an hour to an hour each day.

We made our way over to the supervisor's office and knocked on the door. "Come in." Changbin opened the door and helped me inside.

"Oh dear god. Jisung what happened to you?" The super visor quickly came up to examine the bruises that were exposed on my face.

"I'm fine Mr. Park. Just a few cuts and bruises and a broken rib I'll be fine." He looked at me in shock.

"Just. A broken rib? Jisung what happened? Who did this?" I smiled. Grateful that Mr. Park cared for me. "Some street fighters. Nothing to worry about. But I do have something to ask."

"Of course. Anything. But please sit first." He moved back to his office chair and me and Changbin sat down infront of his desk.

"So?" He asked. I fiddled with my fingers nervously. "Umm I was wondering- because Changbin has no roommate it would be appreciated if I was able to move in with him. I'm currently having problems with my current roommate and I'd much rather be accompanied by Changbin."

He smiled before responding. "Of course you can. Here is a spare key for you. Go get your stuff and you can move into his dorm. Anything else?"

I shook my head. "No, Sir. Thankyou. We'll leave now." I stood up with Changbin by my side.

I was about to head out the door when Mr. Park called me. "Yes, Sir?" I asked. "Take care Jisung. I hope you feel better soon."

I nodded and finally headed out of the office. I felt like crying happy tears. Changbin looked at me and spoke. "I'm really happy right now."

I sighed with a big smile on my face. "Me too." I swear Changbin's face could rip at any moment dew to how wide his smile was.

We went back to my dorm and packed all my stuff after I got dressed into some long pants and a over sized shirt. We grabbed a bag each and headed back to Changbin's dorm.

Once we got there Changbin lead me inside. We dropped my bags in my room and I carefully sat down on the end of my bed. Changbin sat down next to me and I quickly laid my head on his shoulder. He laid his head on top of mine and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

Finally. Tears of pure happiness fell down my cheeks.

"I'm finally free..."


What the fuck!? When the guy's that beaten up Jisung were leaving I grabbed Hyunjin's wrist and we began to run in the opposite direction.

We ran to our first class and I stopped infront of the door. I grabbed Hyunjin's slightly shaking hand and held it up to my chest. "Hyunjin. Everything is okay. I'm here. There's no need to be scared."

He hesitantly looked up at me with tears brimming his eyes. "But that was Jisung... He sounded really... really hurt. What did they do to him? Felix I know it's wrong but... I miss him. He couldn't have done it on purpose, Right? Right, Felix?"

I sucked in a shaky breath. "I...I-i don't know, Hyunjin. But we need to forget about what happened. Then and now. We'll go to class and then we can have fun and eat with Jeongin, Bangchan, and Seungmin. Alright?" I smiled.

He smiled too. "Okay, Lix. Thankyou." I shook my head and tighten my grip on his hand. Just a little. "No, Hyunjin. Thankyou. It is stunning to see how strong you are after what you've been through. Even after all your breakdowns, your attacks, you still come to me and allow me to help you. I couldn't ask for more." I could see tears roll down his face. But he still smiled.

"I am really grateful to have you as my best friend, Felix. I couldn't be more thankful. If it wasn't for you I... wouldn't be here right now..." I smiled weakly at him.

I pulled him in for a hug, symbolising that I won't let go. (Metaphorically)

We were interrupted by the sudden sound of students speaking and shuffling of books. I quickly checked my phone and it showed 9:00.

I quickly looked up at Hyunjin. "We've gotta go." I said while grabbing his arm and running to the rooftop. We were laughing. It was like the olden days in highschool. Except it wasn't fully complete. Someone was missing.

We made it to the rooftop where we were met with Jeongin, Seungmin, and Bangchan.

"Hey, Guys!" I yelled as I ran towards them. Hyunjin shyly following behind. I have Seungmin a hug. I wanted to give Jeongin a hug but he doesn't fully trust us. But I understand that.

Bangchan walked over to Hyunjin and pulled him into a hug. "Hey, Baby." He said. I could see the deep red colour scattered across Hyunjin's cheeks. "Hey, Channie." He replied.

I internally cringed at the new couple. Boy did I feel single. But do I care? No way in fucking hell.

Us five were sat down in a circle when the sound of the rooftop door opening startled us. I looked behind to see someone who I've missed so much. But I can't forgive him. Not yet.

"H-hey, Felix..."


I feel like this is rushed and I've TOTALLY RUINED IT but meh <3

Bye Bye


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