Chapter Nine-

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Me and the guys (Jeongin, Seungmin, Chan, Changbin, Jisung, and Hyunjin) were in my dorm for a sleepover.

Minho is never over, thank god, so I'm basically by myself but that's fine. It's nights like this that make me feel whole again.

Once our first movie came to an end, Bridge to Terabithia, Hyunjin was sobbing onto Chan's shoulder. All of just laughed at the sight of a god damn 20yr old sobbing like a 3yr old. Don't get me wrong, it is quite cute.

"Why did she have to die!? My god! That ruined the movie! She didn't deserve that! Stupid script writers or whatever they're called!" Hyunjin cried while pulling his knees into his hoodie (Chan's hoodie.)

Me and Jisung looked at each other and started laughing. We both fell back and layed on the floor, crying from laughing hard.

Hyunjin glared at us before getting up and trying to suffocate us both with pillows, which made us laugh harder. Hyunjin isn't that strong, so it wasn't hard for me and Jisung to pull his arms off us and pin him down.

Hyunjin pouted and looked away. "Oh how the turns have tabled," Jisung laughed. Hyunjin still didn't look at us. I let out a small chuckle before kissing Hyunjin's forehead and getting off of him.

"I'm sorry, Jinnie." I smiled. He smiled back to the points his eyes were barely visible. Jisung layed down on top of Hyunjin and placed his head on his chest and wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's neck.

"Sorry, Jinnie." Hyunjin laughed and hugged Jisung back. The sight of my two best friends cuddling on the ground reminded me so much of our old usual sleep overs.

We'd watch a movie and cuddle each other on my bed. At one point Hyunjin would cry and me and Jisung would laugh which ended up with Jisung and Hyunjin cuddling on the ground. We'd steal my mum's car and drive to our school at 3:00 in the morning. We'd break in and mess up our teachers desks. And till this day, I think, no one has figured out that it was us three.

"Hey guys?" Chan asked. All of us responded with small 'yeahs' or 'whats'. "Do any of you Guys drink?" All of our heads shot to look over at him when hearing what he had said.

"I'll take that as a yes. Wanna have some drinks? I brought some just in case." We all immediately nodded or replied with a fast yes. "Innie, you sure you want to drink?" Seungmin asked Jeongin who was cuddling his side.

"I'm not a baby, Minnie. I drink but only when I think I deserve a break." Jeongin looked over at us in confusion. All of our mouths were basically on the floor and our eyes were widened.

"D-did you just..." "Speak infront of us!?" Jisung finished, cutting off Changbin. Jeongin just laughed and slightly let go of  Seungmin's arm.

"I trust you guys so I'll be able to speak now. You're all really sweet and there nothing to not trust." He smiled.

"I speak for everyone in this room when I say that your smile is so adorable and I can guarantee that all of our hearts melted upon seeing it!" Hyunjin yelled while pointing at Jeongin.

He laughed and all of nodded our heads in agreement. "Where are they drinks, Chan? I'm gonna need it if you all keep looking at me like that." Jeongin glared at everyone, causing us to all look away. Chan stood up and walked to the Front door and grabbed the bags of drinks he had.

He walked back to my room and passed each one of us a bottle of beer. We spent the next two hours drinking and talking untill we were all completely drunk. Changbin ended up requesting to play a game.


They ended up playing truth or dare slash spin the bottle. Whoever the bottle lands on gets asked a truth a dae by the person who spun the bottle.

Changbin spun first and it landed on Hyunjin. "Dare!" Hyunjin yelled and ended up giggling afterwards.

"Spend 5 minutes making out with Chan on Felboks bed. Did I say that right? Felboks? Yup." Hyunjin giggled again and stood up, pulling Chan up with him and leading him to Felix's bed.

Once Chan and Hyunjin had finished, they sat down and Hyunjin spun the bottle and ended up getting Jisung. "Dare truth, Sung!" Jisung started thinking and ended up choosing dare. Hyunjin started laughing and pointed to Jisung. "Make out with, Lixieeee~" He sang.

None of them seemed bothered because of the alcohol bedsides one person. Jisung looked to the left of him and smirked. "Come here, Lixieee~" Felix got up and ended up straddling Jisung's lap. Felix immediately connected their lips hungrily.

Jisung slightly bit the bottom of Felix's lips, asking for entry which Felix happily gave. Jisung pushed his tongue into the youngers mouth already winning over dominance.

Felix tugged at Jisung's hair while moving his head to the side, deepening the kiss. Jisung rubbed harder on Felix's waist making him let out a small moan.

That went on for a few minutes before Chan had told them to stop. Felix slid off of Jisung and sat beside him. Already forgetting about what had happened seconds before.

After a few minutes everyone had passed out on the floor but one person. Seungmin stood up while picking up his drunk boyfriend and holding him bridle style.

He brought him to their shared dorm and carefully placed Jeongin on his bed. Seungmin took off Jeongin's shirt, knowing that the younger doesn't wear one to bed at all.

After a few minutes Seungmin was finished and layed down beside his boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around the younger and laying his head on top of the other's. Seungmin had one thing on his mind.

It's been a few weeks since Jisung and Felix had made up and they've gotten more closer but what if tonight had ruined it for them? They had just drunkenly made out and tomorrow they either will not remember at all and only Seungmin will and maybe the others or one of them or both of them will remember and they'll seperate again.

Seungmin doesn't want that to happen. He knows that Jisung, Felix's, and Hyunjin's relationship means alot to them and after 2 years they've finally made up but this one stupid move could ruin everything. Seungmin knows how hard Jisung tried to fix his and his best friends relationship. But now Seungmin is left alone with a secret that could ruin not only Jisung and Felix's relationship but possibly his, Jisung's, and Felix's relationship along with that.

Seungmin let a tear fall down his face while he let sleep take over him. "I hope they'll still be friends..." Was the last thing Seungmin said before everything went black and he was met with the comfort of what is called dreams.

Seungmin was woken up by a loud bang on the front door. He looked to his left to see the side of the bed was unoccupied and he could hear the sound of the shower running.

Seungmin groaned and pulled the covers off of him before making his way to the door. Another loud bang was heard. 'Who bangs on someone's door so early in the morning?'

"I'm coming! My gosh..." Seungmin mumbled while opening the front door. "Jisung-"

"What happened last night."

When was the last time I updated?
Not that long ago right? Idk
I'm really busy because it's Christmas holidays and I've been handling our with Family(eww-) so I've been really busy.
But the good news is that only 5 more days till Christmas and 5 more days till I get my rockstar mini albums and my first two skzoos!!!! I'm getting Wolfchan and Jiniret :>

Bye Bye ✌️


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