Chapter 9 - Dirty Water

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Chapter 9 - Dirty Water

The muted, softened sunlight of early dawn was highlighted by the gentle ripples on the pure, clean waters. Stepping lightly on the little waves, was The Lady. Her baby blue dress, made of impossible materials that was both revealing and concealing, while soft as a cloud, trailed behind her on the waters as if part of them, leaving a barely disturbed wake upon the waters she walked upon.

Her hands were clasped together in mournful respect, and her eyes were closed and downcast as if asking for forgiveness.

Though she had not caused this tragedy, she felt it to be her responsibility, took the blame, while looking inwards, seeking the appropriate response.

The red stain of Jessica's blood polluted her pure waters. This would not be permitted again. Never again.

The Lady, in her state of reverence, looking upon the blood freed from innocent flesh, spoke softly.

Behind her, the landscape rose ever higher, and from those heights water fell. Where it fell was known by all to be The Cleansing Cascade, which pooled in a small lagoon, which then drifted out in streams, the largest of which flowed to where The Lady now stood.

The Cascade, moving of its own accord, shone brilliantly as it fell from the higher regions, and into the lakeside which pushed the contaminated lake water back beyond this place it had silently crept into. 

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