Chapter 5 - drunken shenanigans

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We all gathered round in the living room and took seats on my couches.

"Lets make a toast" Q suggested. Everybody grabbed a beer and waited on Q to continue. "To our dear friend Ramona, for realising how dull her life was without us and returning back to the squad" Q joked and everyone chuckled. I laughed at the word "squad", we sounded like teenagers again.
We all raised our glasses and took a long swig of our drinks.
"The 'squad' was never really the 'squad' without her" Ivy protested.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Awh, you're all too kind" I blushed.
"It was rather dull without you guys, i'm glad I'm back."

We all hung around in my living room for a while, soon Q and Ivy were slipping out the room every now and then to...well, it was pretty obvious, and of course Murr was becoming progressively more and more drunk as more shots were being poured.

I looked over and Sal was staring right back. "Hay, why don't we put some proper party music on Q? Enough of this bullshit" Sal winked back at me.
"Ah get lost Ja'crispy" Q smirked.
"I'm only messin' with you, man" Sal stood up and went over to the speakers.
"Anybody like 'lildicky'?" Sal called out.
"I do!" Sal looked over at me in shock.
"Seriously?" He laughed. "Well that's a change from what you used to like"
"People change"
Sal smiled and pressed play, sure enough lildicky's song 'flames' began flooding the room. This was my favourite, I was pleasantly surprised that he loved lildicky too.

More drinks were poured and the next few hours went by very quickly, with many jokes being shared. Joe was on his second pack of donuts and was demolishing them all. He was a hungry drunk. This made for some good entertainment and I couldn't resist to post a picture of him with donut crumbs and cream all round his chops, onto my twitter.

"Hay by the way guys, congratulations on getting the show. I watch it every week. I know I'm like four years late on the congratulations - but whatever" I high fived and hugged them all.
"Thanks Rie" they all said in unison.
Q, Murr and Ivy left the room then, to go into the kitchen and order pizza and chicken wings, leaving only Joe, me and Sal in the room. I felt myself become more and more tipsy, I had drank way much.
"Oh you watch the show, huh?" Sal leant into me.
"Ofcourse I do, I missed your face too much to not watch it baby" oh shit. It just came out like word vomit. I felt my cheeks turn bright red.
But Sal just giggled, then grabbed my hand and pulled me up off the sofa. "Come with me" he grinned.

Sal took me out into my back room where there was just my desk and some bookshelves.
"Why are we in here Sa-" before I could finish Sal put his hands on my face and planted a long, passionate kiss on my lips. I kissed him back and dropped my drink all over the floor, but I couldn't care less at this point. We kissed hard for a few minutes, I devoured his touch, oh how I had missed it.
Sal stopped and our foreheads were touching. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that kiss, Rie"
I blushed and embraced him once again. "Me either. I have missed you"
"Not as much as I have missed you, I bet" Sal sighed. "I've missed my lil' cutesie"
We both giggled at that, he used to always call me his "cutesie".
It wasn't long till we were both in fits of laughter.
Sal leant in again and the kiss carried on for ages, I didn't want it to ever end. I bit his lip and he let out a little moan, making me want to just keep kissing him more.
We both realised that we had been gone from the guys for a while and agreed to go back.
"Let's keep this on a down low, don't need any of the guys talking shit right now" Sal laughed. "Just between us, just for a while. I like secrets." He winked.

We walked into the room finding Joe and Murr taking another shot.
"Where were you guys then?" Joe smirked.
"Shut it gatto, or I'll shove another donut in your mouth"
"Hah don't mind if you do."
"Right then" that was it, Sal grabbed a donut and threw it at Joe, the cream splattered all over Joe and his clothes. Me and Murr burst into laugher watching the event unfold.
"You son of a bitch" Joe got up and chased Sal all round my house.

Once the pizza and wings had arrived, we all engulfed every last bit till we all had food babies.
We all gathered round my TV and decided to watch a film, it ended up to be ghost busters - Q's choice, obviously. I subtly snuggled up to Sal whilst everyone was engrossed in on the film. He placed his arms around me and pulled me in closer to him.
"You okay sweetie?" Sal smiled.
"Yeah...yeah I am" I buried my head into his chest to hide the huge grin I had across my face.
"Me too" I heard him whisper. I could hear the smile in his voice.

Ivy came into the living room holding two big bottles of tequila.
"Shots anybody?" Ivy winked and handed out shot glasses.
"3,2,1 SHOT" everyone chugged their shot, then the next, then the next, then the next...
I woke up sprawled across my floor and I instantly felt my head thumping - eurgh. I looked for any sign of the guys or Ivy but nobody was around. I checked my phone and there was numerous notifications from Facebook...oh no, what had I posted...

---- thanks for reading! Super excited to keep writing. All feedback is appreciated!!! ----

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