Update again

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So, let's see what's been happening in my awesome life. Yay.

1. Chocolate and I stopped talking for like two weeks which is crazy. And I was kinda upset and all

2. I posted things on my message board regarding this, like something about em being sad

3. Then I have a break down and send him this rlly long message saying I'm sorry for dropping all my mental issues on him, he deserves better, I understand if you don't wanna be my friend anymore etc.

4. He texted back saying that he's so sorry he didn't text me back much, he was really busy with the end of year tests and all. And that he'll always be my friend if he can. Etc.

5. Now we're texting again and it's awesome!!!

6. This has happened a few times slightly, like one time I was really breaking down like bad and he sent me back exactly these words :

You can tell me anything I won't judge you I'm so srry I didn't pickup the phone I didn't have my phone if there's anything u want to tell me u can let it out anytime, anywhere dont feel any pressure from others if u feel like your bringing them down. Your Not. U are awesome and need to be more confident in your self

Like eeeeeeek he's so sweet! Also I'm so glad my one friend on here is like not actually on here and liek none of my other irl friend at on here or I be dead :(


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