Chapter 07

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It was the time of the morning, the vehicles were moving to their destination and the sun was shining over the college building. In the classroom, the principal and sir were standing. Avni and Neil were sitting on their seats and other students were present there.

A boy came inside. He was tall and of course handsome. His hair was curl and was perfectly suiting his looks. He smiled to see the class. Everyone smiled and whispered to see his hair and some girls found him cute. Neil looked at him and Avni too looked at the boy. Avni and Neil were looking at the boy.

Principle: He is Ali. Ali Haider. He came from another branch of our college.

DD: sir, yeh to noddle hai.

Ali looked at him and DD hid. Everyone laughed except Avni. Neil was also laughing by looking at his phone.

Principal: behave, boys. So, it is his introduction, the rest he will tell you.

The principal turned to Ali and kept his hand on his upper arm.

Principle: ok, Ali, you join them and start your studies. All the best.

Ali: thank you, Sir.

Ali whispered: sir.

Principal: Yes.

Ali talked in his ear: Sir, I am new here and I don't know anyone here so, make me sit with the sharp student who helps me in my studies.

The principal nodded.

Principle: that's it. Avni is here.

Avni looked at the principal and Neil too looked up at the principal from the phone.

Principle: She is a bright student. She will help you in your studies.

Avni and Neil were shocked.

The principal turned to the students and then he looked at Avni.

Principle: there she is.

Ali looked at Avni and smiled.

Principal: Go and sit with her.

Neil was shocked.

Principal: Avni.

Avni got up.

Avni: yes, sir.

Principal: now Ali is your responsibility. Help him to cover the syllabus.

Avni nodded.

Avni: Sure, sir.

Neil was shocked and he got angry.

Neil whispered: Ali is your responsibility as if he is a kid.

His friends heard him and they looked at his statement then they looked at each other.

Principal: Ali, go and sit with her.

Ali nodded and Neil was shocked.

Ali: ok, sir, thank you.

Ali was going to Avni and Neil was angrily looking at him. Neil's friends were looking at Neil and they were surprised.

Ali sat with Avni and they smiled to see each other. Neil was burning in jealousy and he clenched his fist.

Principal: now, you all carry on, I am going, all the best.

The principal looked at the sir and thanked him then he went.

Sir: Welcome, Ali.

Ali: Thank you, Sir.

Sir: OK, guys, let's resume our lecture.

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