Chapter Five

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Draco groaned in agony, curled up in the medical wing wishing every curse upon Lockhart that he could. He still hadn't totally recovered from Granger's hex and now the idiotic professor had cast some unknown spell at his stomach. Even Pomfrey couldn't identify what he'd done, but whatever it was, Draco was once again out of classes.

Draco's reputation around Hogwarts wasn't the best - he was generally viewed as a spoiled and arrogant child. But Draco didn't view himself as great for no reason - he was smart and he knew it. He'd managed to keep up with his classmates' work despite so many weeks of sickness, he was damn good at Quidditch, and despite what the Gryffindors thought, he hadn't bought his way onto the team, he actually knew what he was doing. The new brooms were just a fun bonus. Draco knew that if he was given the chance to hit his full potential, he could be the best thing to come out of Hogwarts - but with staff like Lockhart around that was never going to happen. As Draco continued to clutch his stomach, he thought of every awful thing he could do to get back at the professor. If Draco was suffering now, Lockhart had no idea what was coming for him.


The school year continued without incident. Harry kept an eye on Colin, knowing that technically he was due to be the next victim. Creevey wasn't complaining though, and the other first years, though wary at first, came to know the Boy-Who-Lived as less of a legend and more just another student. The rumours about the chamber were starting to dispel. Perhaps Mrs. Norris was just the victim of some cruel prank - everyone knew how awful Filch was, perhaps someone had enough and went after his cat.

As the Christmas holidays approached, Harry found himself looking forward to spending a holiday away from Hogwarts. He'd be back home with Sirius and Remus and he knew Hermione would come to visit too. He'd never really had a family Christmas before. Most of his Christmases after Hogwarts blurred together - no thanks to a very powerful potion - and before that he'd spent them all at Hogwarts. Yes, he had considered the Weasley's like family, but even before he'd been terribly betrayed by them, it was their  family Christmas, not his. This time would be different though. For once, he was actually counting the days down to leaving Hogwarts with happiness.

He'd been watching out for Ginny too, as had Hermione. A few times, when they'd been sitting with Colin and his friends, they'd mentioned 'that weird ginger girl' - always quiet, always weepy - they seemed to think she was a bit creepy generally. She kept to herself mainly and was constantly writing things down, it was very off-putting so it seemed she hadn't made many friends despite the first semester nearly being over. Hermione found herself feeling more and more sorry for the girl - she knew what it was like to be at Hogwarts and feel friendless - she knew what it was like to go to school and feel alone, it was getting harder to see this Ginny as the same woman who caused her so much pain.

The diary was seemingly nowhere to be found. Before, Ginny would be writing constantly - everyone would see her at breakfast, lunch and dinner, in the common room, during feasts and assemblies, always writing away. But now? It was gone, and she seemed somewhat healthier. Sure, she was still a loner and very easily brought to tears, but her lack of diary had been noticeable. It was possible she was just trying to be more careful with where she took it, perhaps Tom had convinced her to be more secretive, but whatever the case Harry and Hermione weren't sure what to do.

One day, a couple of weeks before the term ended, a small group of students were gathered around the notice board and the Entrance Hall.

"Check this out, Harry," called Seamus as he walked by the group, "They're starting a duelling club!" Harry stepped forward, remembering the disastrous class he'd had last time. "Tonight? I think I'll skip this one Seam, Lockhart's meant to be leading the club; I doubt it will be anything useful." The huddle of students turned to look at Harry, all somewhat confused or disappointed.

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