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The cleanup at the museum was taking far longer than expected, even with Roberta's stand ability. Absolutely everything had to be inspected for slithers of Santana's Foul Flesh, which made progress slow. In a effort to speed up the process, Kakyoin had put out a call for volunteers to help out in the evening. And that was how Kylie and Wamuu ended up at the museum, ferrying boxes of artefacts to and fro for inspection. The archives were huge, and simply everything had to be checked, as just a trace of Santana's flesh alone could be incredibly destructive.

"Hiiii, Jorge!" Kylie grinned at the sight of the pillar man.

"Greetings." He simply replied, going to reach for a box of arrowheads.

"Ah, careful, sonny! Them arrows are nasty!" A familiar voice called. Wamuu froze, and slowly turned his head. An old man was sitting behind him in a wheelchair, dressed in a thick coat and spectacles. He was a world away from the brunette himbo that made all the girls (and Caesar Zepelli) swoon, but that face was unmistakable. It was Joseph Joestar!

"Um... Hello, sir. I'm Jorge." Wamuu said, keeping his head at an angle, as to not make eye contact. He was filled with resentment towards this man, for freezing him into stone all those years ago, and yet he couldn't kill him, as it would blow his cover.

"Oh, Mr Joestar! This is Jorge, my boyfriend." Roberta said, effortlessly bluffing.

"So you got rid of that one who almost awakened the monster?" Joseph asked.

"Yeah, we're done. And don't you worry, the monster can't awaken. After all, that's what the UV lights are for." Roberta said comfortingly.

"Pah! Santana got out! I'm glad you dumped that Mark boy, because I'd get the ol'hermit purple out on him if I saw him in the flesh!" Joseph spat. His stand- a set of purple vines- burst from his arms, and Roberta gasped.

"You're a stand user?"

"Yep. I can see that undead dame flying around after ya too. You might have to keep her close, because Santana- he's a nasty piece of work."

"Why? Have you met him?" Wamuu asked. Roberta remembered that Wamuu was meant to be posing as a normal human, and quickly made up an excuse.

"Why, but it's just a normal statue, Jorge. It definitely doesn't come to life. Mr Joestar is just worried." She said.

"Of course, uh... Sugar pie honey bun." Wamuu replied, acting as a human. Joseph shook his head to this, rolling towards Wamuu.

"That statue in the vault is a pillar man! A big stone doofus just like the other one on display! Ma, am I glad that the blast proof doors on this place are strong, because I don't want them pillar bastards getting in here and awakening their other son!"

Joseph wheeled over to the statue, and Roberta saw golden light crackle through his fingers.

"I should blow him up right now!" The old man yelled.

"My Joestar, no! It might enrage t..." Kakyoin yelled, but it was too late. Joseph struck the glass case with his hamon-infused fist, and the statue exploded into chunks!

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Kakyoin screamed. But Joseph just shook his head, looking confused.

"Pillar men don't explode into chunks when hit with hamon, they burn to dust!" He pulled a chunk of rock out of the case with his stand, and gasped.

"This is just sandstone! The statue in here is a fake!"

There was a chorus of gasps from the visitors. Jotaro, who was accompanying Kakyoin, quickly hurried any non-stand users out the room. Wamuu was still in the archives, and Robert looked anxiously towards the door.

"What are you staring at?" Jotaro demanded.

"Nothing!" She gasped. Joseph turned to Kylie, and put out his hand.

"Can I borrow your phone, missy?" He asked.

"Sure!" She replied, handing over her "totally retro Y2K" pink flip phone. Joseph pulled vines from his hand, and crushed the phone with them.

"Show me where Wamuu is!" He yelled.

"My phone!" Kylie wailed, before giving a gasp. The phone's screen showed an image of the door to the archives!

"Wamuu's in the room! UV lights at the ready, people!" Joseph shouted. Jotaro and Kakyoin pulled out their stands, and Roberta turned to the crowd with an anxious look.

"I'll go first, make sure that nobody is..."

"Are you insane? He'll kill you! Wamuu is a monster, Gramps always told me so!" Jotaro replied. Roberta sent out a bandage from LDG to hold the door shut, but Star Platinum surged forward and grabbed the mummy stand as he did so.

"Lemme go, you big purple bastard!" Living Dead Girl demanded.

"Oraoraora." Star replied.

"You don't want to hit a lady and you're sorry? Cut the gentleman crap! Roberta, don't let them open that door!" Screamed LDG, only legible to her user. Roberta tried to lunge and block the door, but Hierophant Green grabbed her hands and pulled her back. Jotaro yanked open the door to the Archives, where "Jorge" was standing, next to the empty vault that once cradled his brother.

"Turn around." Joseph demanded. When the blonde didn't move, he sent out a vine and yanked him to face the crowd. Hermit Purple smeared the concealer on his face, revealing his true identity to the crowd.

"Long time no see, Wamuu." Joseph glared.

"Oh Flotation tank- Ur- Catalhoyuk- Karahan Tepe." Living Dead Girl sighed.

"Jorge is Wamuu?!" Kakyoin gasped. "Roberta, did you know this?" He pulled back Hierophant Green's tentacles, only for her to run between them and her boyfriend.

"You back off! He's not bad, he... His fathers just forced him to fight!" She cried.

"He's a vampire, a murderer, a monster. Now get back or I won't hesitate to use Star Platinum on you." Jotaro said, his face set in a glare. Star Platinum released Living Dead Girl, who flew behind her user, a defensive snarl on her face.

"So you didn't tell us that you'd awakened an Aztec God of death, just because he thought you were hot? You'd betray all of humanity for HIM?!" The marine biologist continued.

"We can't keep you here, Roberta. I'm sorry, but after this, I'll have to hand you in to the SPW." Kakyoin sighed. Tears sprang in Roberta's eyes, but she shook them away.

"I didn't awaken him, Mark did! And he's our only chance of defeating the pillar men if they all awaken, because he knows how.."

"Roberta, get back." Joseph said, taking out an UV torch. She gasped, and backed away with Wamuu. Their backs were to a shelf of arrowheads, and they were faced on all sides by enemy stand users.

"Kylie, did you know too?" Jotaro asked.

"Well... Just a little bit." She muttered.

"Unbelievable. Roberta, for the last time, get back! I've got to kill this fucking vampire!"

"He's not a monster!" Roberta screamed.

"You really think he'd love YOU? You're just meals on wheels to him!" Jotaro yelled. Roberta froze, looking agonised- then her stand lurched forward.

"Living Dead Girl, defunct strings!" She shouted. Roberta and Wamuu turned to run, just as Star Platinum surged towards them. The purple stand punched Living Dead Girl straight in the guy, throwing her off her feet. Roberta was slammed back by the attack, into Wamuu, and onto the shelf of arrowheads.

"Star Platinum: The World!" Jotaro shouted.

"ROBERTA, GET OUT OF THERE!" Kylie wailed, seeing her friend knocked down by the stand attack. Time stopped- and Jotaro ignited his UV torch. As time restarted, Roberta was met with a heavy fall, a blare of UV light, and the spiking of an arrow in her arm. Weakly opening her eyes, she saw tha she had grazed herself on the broken wooden shaft of the arrow that had given her her stand, as had Wamuu.

There's also rumours of an arrow that can fuse stand users to non-stand users, but I've never seen one in the flesh. Polnareff's words flashed through her mind as she collided with Wamuu, and everything went black.

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