Chapter Ten

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Despite leaving his phone behind due to program regulations, Shin Jun had no problem finding his date spot. The producers made it far too easy with step-by-step instructions written below the address.

Such as... 'Turn left out of the driveway! Walk straight until you get to the four-way stop! Turn left again walk straight until...'

Shin Jun found himself walking calmly up the stairs to a small, local coffee shop, already visibly equipped with remote cameras. As he reached out to the door handle he couldn't help himself from wondering what kind of man he'd meet.
He was pulled into this show by his family, but these men likely chose it on their own or had friends and family recommend it to them.
Then came his first dilemma... It was finally setting in that he was on a dating show for gay men. What if one of them actually liked him? Technically he's the impostor! What if he broke someone's heart?

He's scum!
Shin Jun wanted to leave the show after this thought, but it was too late and the small bell chimed as the door opened and the rich smell of coffee hit his nose.
He glanced around the minimalistic interior and noticed that although there were many empty seats available, only one table was occupied by a singular man with a toned back and slick back hair. He was facing away, tapping one of his fingers on the table silently.
Although he wanted to run, Shin Jun thought about how long this man may have been waiting for him and pushed through the thoughts in his mind while slowly walking up to the empty chair in front of the man.
"Have you waited long?"
The tapping stopped and Shin Jun looked up as he sat down. The man in front of him sat with good posture which mimicked his own eldest brother's poise with a seemingly carefully carved face with a sharp jawline and phoenix-brown eyes. He wore a black jacket and his legs curved over one another in dark gray jeans.
Fuck, this man was so handsome!
While Shin Jun was so blatantly checking him out, the man uncrossed his legs and a small smirk played on his lips: "Not long. I'm Ryung."
Shin Jun nodded and held out his hand for the other to shake while replying, "I'm Jun, it's nice to meet you."
Ryung took his hand with a firm grip and shook his hand, "It's nice to meet you too Jun."
The atmosphere wasn't awkward, but it grew silent as both men realized they had no idea how to start the conversation. Usually, they'd ask how old one another was, education or school, but the production team made it a rule that no last names, ages, or occupations will be mentioned until they give the go-ahead.
This would make the participants judge the other housemates by their personality, not their wealth or jobs.
Just as both men were thinking of what to talk about, a waiter came over and asked for their orders. Two voices sounded at the same time: 'Iced Americano'
They looked at each other and burst into laughter while the waiter disappeared quickly to get their drinks ready. Ryung led the first conversation by leaning in and raising his left eyebrow slightly, "So, what's your ideal type?"
Shin Jun thought about it, it was a question he was asked in the interview with the two awkward cameramen so if he answered it here it should be replacing that video. The only question was, what to say?
His ideal type for a friend... "I really don't have one, I can get along with anyone just fine. I'd prefer if we had similar interests and lifestyles. I suppose... Someone who can keep up with me is just fine. What about you?"
Ryung nodded in agreement: "My ideal type of personality is similar to yours. Looks wise, it's not a deal breaker but I do prefer someone shorter than me with nice eyes."
After saying so, Ryung glanced over at Shin Jun. He had his chance to check out the other earlier, so he couldn't say anything as he shifted under the other's gaze. Ryung subconsciously nodded and then asked, "What was your first relationship like?"
The waiter came and gently placed the two drinks on the table and walked away, but that gave Shin Jun a moment to think.
"Sudden. You could say that he was the reason I had the revelation that I was gay. Before I met him I hadn't even thought of being in a relationship with someone else, I hadn't felt attracted to anyone so I just assumed I was straight. The relationship ended as suddenly as it began, but it lasted a year and a half and those days were like any other relationship. What about yourself?"
Ryung listened to Shin Jun patiently and thought that the other boy spoke very elegantly. Ending suddenly meant something likely happened, but he didn't seem to want to gossip or mention it any longer. Many of the men he'd dated who'd gone through rough breakups went on a mile-long retelling of the breakup and how much of a scum the other was!
"It was alright. At the time I was too young and didn't realize the difference between love and wanting to be loved, so I was disappointed that the love others spoke of felt so... dull. Of course, I hadn't realized it back then but that relationship made me come to terms with a lot about myself."

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