Chapter Seventeen

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It was quite easy to find the small house on the property. Although there was a thin line of trees between the two buildings, as long as you stepped out onto the back patio you'd see a stone path leading in that direction - away from the lounge area and garden. The team also made it especially idiot-proof by turning on a blinking light, like they were an airstrip at an airport guiding a plane to land.

This could have been avoided if the staff members had shown them where to go in the first place.

Shin Jun pushed open the doors and was met by a staff member dressed in all black and wearing a black half-mask to hide his privacy despite not appearing on camera. He nodded curtly but didn't engage in any conversation as he led Shin Jun to sit on a comfortable, somewhat cliche, soft pink couch in front of an intricately designed room divider.

With three cameras on tripods pointed at him, this whole situation made him feel more self-conscious and awkward but he sat patiently as the staff member organized his notes.

Other than the couch, cameras, a table with a laptop, and room dividers, there was only equipment set up in the bachelor-styled room. The homeowners or crew had thoughtfully hidden away the previous furniture, only leaving the kitchen and washroom on the left side of the home untouched.

The crew member pointed the laptop toward Shin Jun and finally spoke. "For now, just explain how you felt during these moments as best you can."

Shin Jun patiently explained his feelings during the walk to the house, his finding the letter, and his walk to the coffee shop. He didn't feel like it was that exciting but he wasn't one to judge what the viewers thought was interesting.

He thoughtfully avoided all the instances of him wanting to run away, and the topic of him not wanting to fall in love. The viewers would surely chew him out if they knew those thoughts.

"I was pretty tired from the drive. After this interview is done, I'll probably go and pass out."

"The letter... I didn't know I'd be going on a blind date so soon so I was pretty nervous."

"My first thought on Ryung... He's quite handsome. He reminds me a lot of my eldest brother, especially with his posture."

At that moment, the crew member chimed in and asked. "Do you have any thoughts on his age and job?"

Shin Jun nodded. "He's probably in a management role, boss, or a freelance consultant. His age... I think he's in his mid-twenties."

The crew member nodded and moved on to his next question. "Did he make your heart flutter?"

"We had a good conversation but I'm not sure if I'd say he made my heart beat faster... Maybe his handsome face did?"

The interview continued for a few minutes and Shin Jun annotated his feelings during the meeting, the room division, and dinner before he was sent back to the house.

The viewers would learn that he was shocked, but not uncomfortable with sleeping in the same bed as someone else - he was worried about snoring and sleep posture.

He didn't know what the other boys would say about him, but he'd later find out.

Ryung, like him, didn't feel anything for him yet but he thought he could become a good friend. In fact, after arriving at the house, he found his heart moving toward Young-Sun who took care of everyone.

Young-Sun was similar to Shin Jun - he didn't have anyone he was interested in yet. He and Chul had their first date together. It was too soon to catch a crush or have feelings, but he mentioned that there wasn't anyone that he disliked in the house. Toward Shin Jun he only thought he was kind of pretty, explaining that he wondered for a moment if he walked into the wrong set due to his long hair.

Chul, like Ryung, found himself drawn toward Young-Sun and was happy that they were roommates. He was focused on observing more before making his mind up on the other men and didn't have any particular thoughts on Shin Jun yet.

Then, came Shin Jun's other two roommates. Both of them were somewhat interested in Shin Jun, but very conscious of each other as Ji and Tae had gone on their first date together and found that their personalities in terms of relationships would clash.

Hanseul and In-Su were the only two who shared their feelings. Both of them were interested in each other and wanted to go on a date to get to know one another more.

As Shin Jun was the first to return to the mansion, he was also the first to get changed and pass out in his shared bed. He didn't even wake up when his roommates walked in, got changed, did their skincare, or when Tae crawled into bed with him. 

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