Jess-hey guys guess what!Toby-what!?
Jess-We have 1dare today!!!!
Jeff- what is it
Jess-well Toby sure is gonna like it....
Toby-is it about waffles?!
Jess- maybe....
Sally-ok what's the dare?!
Jess- ok...
BlueCringe- I dare Jeff,Mask,and Toby to sing the waffle song from teen titanic go...
Masky- ugh
Jeff- WHAT?!
Toby- YAY!!!!!!
*three hours later)
Jess- well i kind of have a dare....
Jeff- really?
Jess-yep. I dare all the boys to dance to you're gonna go far kid while i sing it....
*All the boys groan*
Quick a/n I didn't know the lyrics so i looked them up so it took me a while to update...
Jess: *turns on music*
Every boy lines up*
Jess: *has kareoke machine*
show me how to lie
your getting better all the time
and turning all against the one
is an art that's hard to teachAnother clever word
sets off and unsuspectingherd
and as you step back into line
a mob jumps to their feetNow dance Fucker dance
man, he never had a chance
and no one even knew
it was only really youAnd now you steal away
take him out today
nice work you did
you're gonna go far, kidWith a thousand lies
And a good Diguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives*le time skip to the end*
Jess- well bye leave dares and questions please
*piper appears*
piper- leave questions and dares or u will get it!Lj- PIPER!!!!UR HERE!!!!!!
Piper and Jess: peace!